Saturday, May 23, 2020

Reporte consular para ciudadanía por derecho de sangre

El reporte consular de nacimiento en el extranjero prueba que una persona nacida fuera de Estados Unidos es ciudadana americana por derecho de sangre. Es el equivalente al acta o certificado de nacimiento que se emite a todas las personas que nacen en los EEUU. Y este reporte sirve para demostrar que se es ciudadano americano, para poder sacar el pasaporte y para obtener otros beneficios que corresponden por la ciudadanà ­a como Medicaid, Chip, etc en el caso de ir a vivir a USA. Datos bà ¡sicos de la ciudadanà ­a americana La nacionalidad de los Estados Unidos puede adquirirse por cinco caminos distintos. La mayorà ­a la adquieren por lo que se conoce derecho de suelo, pero este artà ­culo trata de un caso especial que tambià ©n es relativamente frecuente: la obtencià ³n de la ciudadanà ­a por derecho de sangre.   Es decir, un  menor adquire la ciudadanà ­a americana a pesar de haber nacido en otro paà ­s porque el padre, la madre o ambos son americanos en el momento en el que tuvo lugar su nacimiento. Quià ©n puede solicitar el reporte consular de nacimiento en el extranjero, cuà ¡ndo y cuà ¡nto cuesta Para poder solicitr el reporte consular es necesario que la nacionalidad estadounidense cumpla todos los requisitos para transmitirse. No es suficiente que el papà ¡ o la mamà ¡ sea ciudadano de los Estados Unidos. Los requisitos son distintos segà ºn el progenitor estadounidense sea el padre o la madre o ambos y tambià ©n de su estado civil. Si se cumple lo que establece la ley, entonces se podrà ¡ solicitar el reporte consular. El padre o la madre que es ciudadano estadounidense (o ambos, si es el caso) son los autorizados para pedir el reporte consular. Tambià ©n puede hacerlo cualquier padre, si tiene una orden judicial en la que se le reconoce en exclusividad la guardia y custodia sobre el menor. Incluso es posible que el padre o la madre americana autoricen a otra persona a que realice la peticià ³n. En este caso, se necesitarà ¡ una declaracià ³n jurada notarizada concediendo la autorizacià ³n. Ademà ¡s, debe solicitarse antes de que el nià ±o o la nià ±a cumplan los 18 aà ±os de edad. Pero es muy recomendable que se haga cuanto antes, incluso inmediatamente despuà ©s del nacimiento. En todo caso, debe solicitarse antes de que el menor viaje a los Estados Unidos por primera vez. Esta gestià ³n tiene, en la actualidad, un costo de $100. Cà ³mo se tramita el Reporte Consular de Nacimiento en el Extranjero El primer paso es ir a la pà ¡gina de internet de la oficina consular mà ¡s cercana y seguir las instrucciones para hacer una cita para solicitar el reporte (CRBA, por sus iniciales en inglà ©s). A continuacià ³n hay que preparar y conseguir la documentacià ³n que se necesita para ir a la cita al consulado. Primero, hay que rellenar el formulario DS-2029. Es muy importante recordar no firmarlo, ya que ese es un paso que se debe hacer ante el oficial consular. Tampoco se debe rellenar los apartados 28/29 y 30, que lo harà ¡ el cà ³nsul. Ademà ¡s, es necesario aportar la siguiente documentacià ³n: 1. -El acta de nacimiento del nià ±o. Es fundamental que conste el nombre completo, correcto y debidamente deletreado del padre y de la madre (salvo en los casos de maternidad en solitario). 2.- Prueba de que el padre, la madre o ambos son ciudadanos americanos. La mejor forma de probarlo es con un pasaporte estadounidense en vigor. Otros documentos que se admiten son el acta de nacimiento, si ha nacido en Estados Unidos, o el certificado de naturalizacià ³n, si nacià ³ en otro paà ­s, emigrà ³ a EEUU y en algà ºn momento en el pasado obtuvo la ciudadanà ­a americana. 3.- Si se està ¡ casado, prueba del matrimonio. Asimismo, si se ha estado casado con anterioridad es necesario mostrar un documento que acredite cà ³mo acabà ³ el matrimonio anterior: viudedad, divorcio o anulacià ³n. 4.- Una declaracià ³n jurada por parte del progenitor estadounidense que se llama Affidavit of Parentage, Physical Presence and Support. En dicha declaracià ³n el padre o la madre juran que han vivido en Estados Unidos el tiempo necesario para poder transmitirle su nacionalidad al hijo o hija nacidos en el extranjero. Y es que no basta con ser americano, hay que haber vivido en USA cierto nà ºmero de aà ±os y poder demostrarlo. Tener presente que las reglas son diferentes segà ºn el caso. Se piden distintos aà ±os de residencia en EEUU segà ºn se trate de padre o madre o si està ¡n solteros o casados. Ademà ¡s, no basta con declarar que se ha vivido el tiempo requerido, hay que poder demostrarlo con documentacià ³n como por ejemplo: registros escolares, pasaportes anteriores, pago de impuestos, cotizaciones al Seguro Social, rà ©cords mà ©dicos, contratos o facturas a su nombre, rà ©cord militar, etc. Recibir el Certificado de Registro de Nacimiento en el Exterior Los consulados tramitan esta gestià ³n, pero el documento se emite en Estados Unidos. Por lo tanto hay que indicar dà ³nde se quiere recibir, dà ¡ndose la opcià ³n de una direccià ³n en Estados Unidos, en el paà ­s de residencia (en algunos casos) o en la oficina consular. En otras palabras, el dà ­a de la entrevista no se saldrà ¡ del consulado con el certificado en la mano. Consejos a tener en cuenta Los documentos deben ser originales o copias autentificadas por la autoridad que las emite con el sello oficial correspondiente. No sirven fotocopias ni tampoco copias notarizadas. Salvo casos muy excepcionales, siempre se devuelven esta documentacià ³n. Las reglas que regulan la transmisià ³n de la nacionalidad americana de padres a hijos cuando à ©stos nacen en el extranjero ha cambiado a lo largo de los aà ±os. En los casos de duda, hay siempre que verificar quà © ley aplicaba en el momento del nacimiento del hijo de un americano.   Ademà ¡s, hay que tener en cuenta que aunque hoy en dà ­a es muy difà ­cil perder la nacionalidad americana, hasta hace recientemente poco tiempo eso no era asà ­. Para estos casos a veces es posible recuperar la ciudadanà ­a. Por à ºltimo, cuando un ciudadano americano no puede transmitir a su hijo la nacionalidad por no cumplir con el requisito de nà ºmero de aà ±os vividos en EEUU, a veces es posible tramitar para ese menor una naturalizacià ³n especial adquiriendo la ciudadanà ­a por los abuelos. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asistencia legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

VBscripting - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 713 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/10/10 Did you like this example? ************************************************* Program description: Script to show the week of the day, the present day of the week and also the array that outputs all weeks of the week. It also explores the input and output methods using VBscripting and the decision making using the IF-ELSE. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "VBscripting" essay for you Create order Note The programme has to be copied to notepad or notepad++ and saved to a file format. The file format should be .vbs that can be achieved by saving as from the file menu. With notepad it is good practice to use quotes (â€Å"FileName.vbs†) while naming the file for the extension to work correctly ************************************************ Introduction The section covers variables, constants and data type ************************************************ Option Explicit Dim Message, result Dim Title, var1, var2 Define dialog box variables. Message = Please enter a path Title = WSH sample user input Var1 = User input canceled var2 = You entered: vbCrLf Ready to use the InputBox function InputBox(prompt, title, default, xpos, ypos) prompt:  Ã‚  Ã‚   The text shown in the dialog box title:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The title of the dialog box default:  Ã‚   Default value shown in the text box xpos/ypos: Upper left position of the dialog box If a parameter is omitted, VBScript uses a default value. result = InputBox(Message, Title, C:\Windows, 100, 100) Evaluate the user input. If result = Then  Ã‚  Ã‚   Canceled by the user WScript.Echo var1 Else WScript.Echo var2 result End If *** End ************************************************ Loop structures and arrays in details using the days of the week.The section of the programme checks on the day of the day and remind the user by using looping and array Also constants and variables are explored further in the section ************************************************ Define constant and variables. Const title = Dear, John !  Ã‚  Ã‚   Users name can be changed according to client needs Dim text the variable cNotes is used as an array that contains messages for each day of the week. Dim cNotes Now we define an array with the daily messages. cNotes = Array ( _ Hey, its Sunday. Please take a rest, my friend., _ Its Monday. Lets begin the week., _ Oops, its Tuesday. One day of the week is gone., _ Dont worry, its Wednesday., _ Hurray, its Thursday., _ Thank goodness its Friday., _ Saturday! Why dont you relax this weekend?) Here we define the date within the welcome message. text = WeekDayName(Weekday(Now()), False, 1) _ , MonthName(Month(Now)) _ Day(Now()) , _ Year(Now()) Now we append a custom message to the date. text = text vbCrLf vbCrLf cNotes(Weekday(Now()) 1) Display the message. MsgBox Text, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, title *** End ******************************************************************** The section is about vbscript input and output methods are ******************************************************************** File Input-Output method implemented, decision making statements are explored using the if-else function and the procedures are explored. VBScript Write File ******************************************************************** Option Explicit Dim objFSO, objFolder, objShell, objTextFile, objFile Dim strDirectory, strFile, strText strDirectory = f:\logs3 strFile = \Summer.txt the file name to be created on to your computer strText = You are smart on your work. The test that need to be written on the file generated above. Create the File System Object Set objFSO = CreateObject(Scripting.FileSystemObject) Check that the strDirectory folder exists If objFSO.FolderExists(strDirectory) Then Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDirectory) Else Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strDirectory) WScript.Echo Just created strDirectory End If If objFSO.FileExists(strDirectory strFile) Then Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDirectory) Else Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strDirectory strFile) Wscript.Echo Just created strDirectory strFile End If set objFile = nothing set objFolder = nothing OpenTextFile Method needs a Const value ForAppending = 8 ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2 Const ForAppending = 8 Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile _ (strDirectory strFile, ForAppending, True) Writes strText every time you run this VBScript objTextFile.WriteLine(strText) objTextFile.Close Bonus or cosmetic section to launch explorer to check file If err.number = vbEmpty then Set objShell = CreateObject(WScript.Shell) (Explorer strDirectory \ ) Else WScript.echo VBScript Error: err.number End If WScript.Quit End of VBScript to for vbscript for file input and output method, decision making and methods. ******************************************************************** Function section that displays a message box ******************************************************************** Answer = getResponse() Function getResponse() Dim answ timeOut = 10 title = â€Å"error!† button = 2 create object. Set w = WScript.CreateObject(â€Å"†) getResponse = w.Popup( â€Å"Write failure. Try again?†.timeOut.title.button) End Function **** end of the Function method

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Reconstruction After the Civil War Essay example - 1848 Words

Presidential Reconstruction and Congressional Reconstruction have some differences and some similarities. Reconstruction was a huge thing at this time in America. Abraham Lincoln was a huge part of reconstruction and when he was assassinated, Andrew Johnson took over his role of President and of reconstructing the south. Abraham Lincoln wanted to fix the intersectional hatred that was caused from the civil war. On December 8, 1863 Lincoln set a general policy that by taking an oath southerners could reinstate themselves as US citizens. Abraham Lincoln was working hard to bring southern states back into the Union. One way he tried was with the Ten Percent Plan. In this Ten Percent Plan, 10% of people voting in a state had†¦show more content†¦In response to blacks getting more and more rights, rebel groups formed to perform terror attacks on the blacks within their communities. The most known, even today, was the Ku Klux Klan. The members of this society used scare tactics to keep blacks from voting, and they succeeded in scaring many off, even after law enforcement stepped in. African Americans were able to vote when the Southern states felt pressure to get the military out of their major districts. Many black voters voted Republican; this led many southern states to restrict their voting. Congress then set the fifteenth amendment in place, this laid out the rights that all men had to vote. This is the reason reconstruction failed African Americans, when Johnson overruled the Freedmen’s Bureau. This was also apparent when he vetoed the Civil Rights Act. Even though African Americans had people in congress that believed their fate was unfair, these people had enemies in the opposing party. This friction led to the fate that blacks would suffer through for years to come. 2 Ranching, mining, farming, and railroad building affected western expansion after the Civil War.New buildings and new towns were built around these industries.Native Americans were not too fond of all of the expansion.The land used for farming and such was the Native Americans land and anyone wanting to farm or mine was able to use that land for him or herself.With this expansion came ChineseShow MoreRelatedThe Reconstruction After The Civil War977 Words   |  4 Pagesend to start something new. One such movement was the Reconstruction. Reconstruction was a time period between 1865 and 1877 following the Civil War, during which people of the United States worked to put the country back together again, introducing a new set of significant challenges. Though, like all things in life, it did come to an end, the resulting outcome had been labeled both a success and a failure. The Reconstruction after the Civil War consisted of failures as well as successes. DespiteRead MoreReconstruction after the Civil War900 Words   |  4 PagesAfter Reading John Hope Franklin’s  Reconstruction after the Civil War  I have a completely new outlook on reconstruction. Some may say that this book, regardless of its historical contribution on Reconstruction, which it tries to demolish William Dunning’s myth of white supremacy. It is also has a very serious attempt to be fair and objective about a very controversial period when race, politics and ideology played a very different role in Society. It is precisely in Franklin’s abilityRead MoreThe Reconstruction of America after the Civil War1078 Words   |  4 PagesThe Civil War left a country divided not only by property lines and borders but by beliefs as well. Not just religious beliefs, moral beliefs also. It left both sides, north and south struggling, trying to figure out what their next move towards reuniting the divided America was going to be. The period following the end of the Civil War would become known as the â€Å"Reconstruction Era.† An era that raised just as many questions as it did answers. A reconstruction of America that seems to carry on manyRead MoreReconstruction After Civil War Essay1503 Words   |  7 PagesReconstruction Reconstruction was a period of time between 1865 and 1877, which was very complex and controversial. It refers to the actual rebuilding of the south physically, economically and politically from the damage of the Civil War. It was an effort to rebuild southern states and also to restore the Union. During this time period, the federal government passed a series of laws, acts and amendments to bring change. Many of these amendments guaranteed the equal rights to African-AmericansRead MoreEssay on Reconstruction After the Civil War934 Words   |  4 PagesThe period of Reconstruction began during the Civil War and ended in 1877. This era is known for the advancements made in favor of racial equality. These improvements included the fourteenth amendment (citizenship and equal protection under the law to blacks) and the fifteenth amendment (voting rights for blacks) of the Constitution. Yet, with the end of Reconstruction in 1877, the Republican Party lost control of the southern governments and the Democratic Party took over. This shift in power wasRead MoreReconstruction After the Civil War Essay665 Words   |  3 PagesReconstruction was the foremost goal for many after the civil war. Yet, various individuals and political parties held a plethora of contrasting beliefs concer ning how to face this reconstruction task. In terms of the Reconstruction, two ideas permeated the political field: who would have the authority to enact these changes and in what ways would national unity be accomplished. It is obvious that throughout this time the power held within the federal government would be challenged by southern stateRead MoreThe Reconstruction Era after the Civil War558 Words   |  2 Pages The Reconstruction Era The Reconstruction Era was looked upon with much optimism, considering that abolitionists and African Americans believed that this process would make it possible for them to achieve their goals. The project was generally meant to assist the South in reintegrating in the Union and in assisting African Americans to become equal to white individuals in the U.S. The Freedmen were apparently one of the main missions that the Reconstruction was designed for and it actually seemedRead MoreAmerican Reconstruction after the Civil War Essay1228 Words   |  5 Pages Reconstruction was a period of time after the Civil War (1865-1877) that was supposed to be the rebuilding of America. It was also the process used to readmit all the Confederate states back into the Union. There was controversy, however, on how to go about rebuilding the nation. Abraham Lincoln proposed a lenient plan. After he was assassinated, Andrew Johnson proposed a very similar plan. The Radical Republicans, a group of legislators that were in favor of freedmen’s rights, were opposedRead MoreReconstruction Policy after the Civil War Essay1176 Words   |  5 PagesPost-civil war the torn nation juggles wide ranges of emotions as they attempt to piece together the shattered unity but didn’t know how to go about doing so. President Lincoln had great plans for the reconstruction but was killed before he could put them into action. He was murdered by John Booth at Ford Theater and passed the next morning. Lincoln’s Vice-president, Andrew Johnson, took ove r and became the new president. Johnson and Congress argued about how to go about the reconstruction and inRead MoreThe Problems of the Reconstruction after the Civil War Essay898 Words   |  4 PagesAfter the conclusion of America’s Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln pitched the idea of â€Å"Reconstruction,† which would bring the southern states back into the Union. President Lincoln, according to many radical Republicans, was too gentle on the south. The government was divided on how to solve the issue of readmitting the southern states back into the Union. In addition to that, the government was not certain on what rights to enumerate to the newly emancipated slaves. These issues became more

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Homeland Security And The Security - 1435 Words

Differences The idea of securing the nation’s borders and securing the safety of the citizens has been a major topic since the beginning of the nation’s existence. There have always been means and procedures for it but it was never defined to the point it is today. The Homeland Security Department is a fairly new program which is constantly improving and adjusting in accordance to the threats that may arise. In the attempt to secure the United States, homeland security has become paramount and a lot of emphasis is being provided so as to ensure the safety of the borders and the citizens of the United States. So one must ponder what the difference between homeland security and homeland defense are since they both tend to mean the same†¦show more content†¦Later, the federal, state, and local government responses to disasters such as Hurricane Katrina expanded the concept of homeland security to include significant disasters, major public health emergencies, and other events that threaten the United States, its economy, the rule of law, and government operations (2). Homeland security is the combination of law enforcement, immigration, disaster relief, and terrorist activities within the United States’ borders. This would be based on the local agencies and civilian departments to safeguard the people from any threat within while being assisted by the government. In some aspects of terror attacks, there will be a combination of both homeland security and homeland defense. 9/11 is the perfect example as homeland security was responding to the local disasters and threats while the homeland defense, military, was deploying to get to the root of the threats. This is essential to the way homeland security operates because this will stop the attack on the nation’s soil before it reaches the borders and local government agencies are required. The biggest issue with the homeland security aspect is that the

A Prospective Cross Sectional Study Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays

string(172) " will do it easier for radiotherapists to pull off patient test work flow and will assist surgical occupants in the early diagnosing and intervention for injury instances\." The importance in measuring the acceptableness to users of a Picture Archiving and Communication System in the infirmary connotes advancement by supplying quality images with good satisfaction than utilizing movie. In trauma instances, this will give advantage to occupants in the appraisal as early diagnosing is necessary. Besides in the Ob-Gyne section medical clearance affecting chest skiagraphy so that contemplated surgical processs can be done. We will write a custom essay sample on A Prospective Cross Sectional Study Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now This statement is still non proven, therefore survey on the impact of PACS on clinician shall function the intent. In our scenes, up until December 2011, determinations at the exigency room that rely on the skiagraphy entailed some waiting clip as what normally happens in film-based skiagraphy. The debut of PACS promises to alter this scenario in favor of quicker image handiness movie developing is omitted in the procedure. Quicker handiness of the radiogram due to the presence of networked computing machine system of sharing the digital images. Aim DATA SUBSTRATES OPERATIONALLY DEFINED VARIABLES Analysis To find the impact of filmless imaging on the frequence with which physicians entree radiology images. Data assemblage sheet Frequency of the entree of doctor to radiology images Quantitative variable like frequence shall be analyzed utilizing mean and standard divergence. To measure clinician perceptual experience of image handiness with the usage of Picture Archiving and Communication System ( PACS ) . Data assemblage sheet Percept of clinician on image handiness Qualitative variable will be analysing utilizing proportion.Relationship of Research Objectives, Data Substrate, Operationally Defined Variables and Data Analy Introduction I. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: Filmless imagination is a construct which has changed health care. Picture Archiving and Communication Systems ( PACS ) are described as the â€Å" centralised depository for all imagination informations and diagnostic images ( eg, x-rays, CT scans, MRI scans ) and radiology studies electronically to clinicians at the point-of-care, contradicting the demand for a film-base.1 Diagnostic imagination is a cardinal constituent of information impacting the attention a patient receives. Picture Archive and Communication Systems ( PACS ) are comprehensive webs of digital devices designed for acquisition, transmittal, storage, show, and direction of diagnostic imagination surveies. The construct of a digital image communicating and show system was devised in the 1970s, with the initial conference on PACS designs launched in 1982 ( Huang, 1999, 2003 ) . The U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command installed the i ¬?rst large-scale PACS in the United States called the medical diagnos tic imaging support system in 1992 ( Smith et al. , 1995 ) .2 Over the last 30 old ages PACS been developed for the intent of making more efficient and effectual health care. The construct of PACS was originally developed to better efficiency non merely in the radiology sections but besides in other sections like the exigency room. A figure of surveies have been conducted to find if PACS achieves its ends of bettering efficiency and effectivity within wellness systems. These surveies focus on its impacts on work flow, functions, patient results, and costs, with variable decisions. 3 Digital skiagraphy, this is the first movie free X ray imaging system in Mindanao. DDH ( Davao Doctors Hospital ) upgraded to CR ( Computed Radiography ) and implemented PACS ( Picture Archiving and Communication System ) for all imaging modes ( CT, MRI, Ultrasound, and Radiography ) . In trauma instances, this will give advantage to occupants in the appraisal as early diagnosing is necessary. Besides in the Ob-Gyne section medical clearance affecting chest skiagraphy so that contemplated surgical processs can be done. In this survey, the occupants will give their appraisal on how PACS give impact to their work patterns in the exigency section in bettering clinical decision-making, and easing more efficient patient attention processes. II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A Although the construct of image archiving and communications systems ( PACS ) was developed in Europe during the latter portion of the 1970s, no working system was completed at that clip. The first PACS executions took topographic point in the United States in the early 1980s, e.g. at Pennsylvania University, UCLA, and Kansas City University. Some more or less successful PACS developments besides took topographic point in Europe in the 1980s, peculiarly in the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Scandinavia, and Germany.4 PACS was expected to revolutionise and streamline the bringing of health care, helping communicating between radiotherapists and clinicians, bettering clinical decision-making, and easing more efficient patient attention processes. A In the USA 76 % of infirmaries reported utilizing PACS in 2008, A and in England and Scotland a national roll-out of PACS has been completed with the balance of UK infirmaries implementing it by 2012.A With the integrating of PACS into a figure of medical units outside radiology, the exigency section is one clinical country where PACS has the possible to significantly alter work patterns. The exigency section is a ‘complex ‘ and ‘data-rich environment’A where clinicians continuously multi-task and utilize multiple information beginnings in order to supply optimal attention for critically sick patients. Images are built-in to patient attention, A with high volumes of imaging surveies conducted daily.A Rapid entree to these to back up decision-making can be of important importance. With the potency for imaging consequences to impact dramatically on a patient ‘s attention, the ED provides a good scene to measure how PACS can impact on and take to innovat ion in clinical work practices.5 In 2010, a survey done by I.M. Hains et Al assessed the grounds of PACS impact on ICU clinicians through a systematic literature reappraisal of 11 ( 11 ) English linguistic communication publications in the USA and UK. The survey revealed a positive impact potency for PACS on clinician ICU work patterns and patient attention. The survey besides showed that PACS elicits positive impact potency on efficiency of work patterns, work associated with clinical determination devising and communicating patterns. PACS engineering offers wellness attention providers the possible for long-run cost nest eggs in radiology services by extinguishing the disbursal of movie processing and storage, among other things. Quick image handiness with PACS in SPMC will do it easier for radiotherapists to pull off patient test work flow and will assist surgical occupants in the early diagnosing and intervention for injury instances. You read "A Prospective Cross Sectional Study Health And Social Care Essay" in category "Essay examples" Political action committee in the infirmary connotes advancement by supplying quality images with good satisfaction than utilizing movie. III. RESEARCH Question What is the impact of PACS on surgical occupant ‘s direction of ER patients? IV. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Improves more timely patient attention and allowing clinicians to do determinations more rapidly. V. OBJECTIVES To measure the impact of image file awaying and communicating systems ( PACS ) as perceived by the surgical occupants at the exigency section. To find benefits, disadvantages and jobs of PACS as perceived by ER surgical occupants. VI. METHODOLOGY Study Design: Prospective Cross-sectional Survey Puting: The survey shall take topographic point in Southern Philippines Medical Center – Emergency Department, Bajada, Davao City, from May-June 2013 Independent variables: Age, sex, section Dependent variables: 1 ) continuance of ER rotary motion ; 2 ) impact of PACS on surgical occupant ‘s appraisal ; 3 ) surgical occupant ‘s perceptual experience of image handiness Participants Inclusion Standards: Surgical occupants at ER Department Exclusion Standards: Surgical Residents who refuse to give informed consent. VII. Sampling CRITERIA A convenient sampling of surgical occupants falling under inclusion standards with consent shall be included for research. IX. DATA GATHERING/METHOD: Data will be gathered utilizing a questionnaire adapted from The Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital J.R PILLING.6 The questionnaire makes usage of a five-point Likert graduated table to measure surgical occupants ‘ positions on quality of images. There where besides three unfastened ended inquiries included to arouse responses on occupants perceived advantage, disadvantages and jobs with the usage of PACS. The questionnaire uses a combination of responses to statements and inquiries, graduated from 1 to 6, and some chances for free sentiment. Those who give informed consent will reply the questionnaire for about 5-7 proceedingss. All the information that will be used in this survey will be collected by the research worker, Dr. Leilani Ching. Surgical occupants will be interviewed at their most convenient clip. Ten. SAMPLE SIZE COMPUTATION The survey topics ( aim population ) of this research are all surgical occupants who use PACS in measuring trauma instances in the Emergency Department. Hence, no sample size calculation will be used. Eleven. DATA HANDLING ANALYSIS Data for this survey will be analyzed and gathered utilizing Epi-info version 7. The uninterrupted variables will be summarized utilizing mean and standard divergence while impact and perceptual experience will be summarized utilizing frequence and per centum. Twelve. DEFINITION OF TERMS 1. Impact- The step of both the tangibleA andA intangibleA effects and influences of the Picture Archiving and Communication Systems upon the surgical occupants utilizing it. Questions that ask about the utility and image quality of PACS ( Question no. 1-6 ) will be analysed to measure impact. 2. Perception- TheA processA by which surgical residentsA perceives and buttockss image and informations handiness when utilizing the Picture Archiving and Communication Systems. Questions that ask about participant ‘s point of views ( Question no. 7-10 ) will be analysed to measure perceptual experience. Thirteen. Ethical Consideration Prior to enlisting in the plan, the consent of the participant must be obtained. Ethical motives Review The advocates of the survey will procure an blessing from the Cluster Ethics Research Committee of The Southern Philippines Medical Center prior to making the research. Informed Consent: Form A written consent is obtained from the possible participants who will be invited to reply the study questionnaire. Informed Consent: Signer The signature of the participant should look in the consent signifier. Informed Consent: Witness No informant will be required in order for the informed consent to be adhering. Informed Consent: Proxy Consent There will be no proxy consent aside from that of the participant will be allowed. Informed Consent: Procedure Prior to subscribing the consent signifier, the possible participants are informed about the survey principle and aims. Informed Consent: Timing and Venue The informed consent will be taken prior to the disposal of the questionnaire. It will be done in Southern Philippines Medical Center after office hours. Disclosure of Study Objectives, Risks, Benefits and Procedures The participants will be informed of the survey aims and what is expected of them. They will besides be told that there are no hazards involved in the survey and that there will be no direct benefits to them as survey participants. Renumeration, Reimbursement and Other Benefits No renumeration or reimbursement will be given to the participants. Confidentiality The research workers will non unwrap the individualities of the participants at any clip. Merely the chief advocate of the survey has the personal information of the participants. Investigator ‘s Duty It is the research worker ‘s duty to guarantee the confidentiality of any information obtained during the research. Specimens Managing N/A Voluntariness The participants have the right to decline to take part in the survey. Alternate Options If participants decide non to take part in the survey, their determination will be respected and will non impact their employment or their regular public presentation rating. Privacy Participants will non be contacted by any agencies after they have answered the questionnaire. Information on Study Results The participants will hold entree to their informations. After the information has been analyzed, the overall consequences will besides be made known to the participants. Extent of Use of Study Data At present there are no intended programs to utilize the informations aside from the aims stated in the protocol. Authorship and Contributorship The chief research worker is the chief writer of the survey. Conflicts of Interest The chief research worker and co-author declares no struggle of involvement. Publication The research may be submitted for national and/or international publication. Funding The chief advocate of the survey is utilizing personal financess to carry on the survey. Duplicate Copy of the Informed Consent Form A duplicate transcript of the informed consent signifier will be provided to the participants of the survey. Extra transcripts can be made on petition. Questions and Concerns Sing the Survey The participants will be encouraged by the chief research worker to voice out concerns about their engagement in the survey. Contact Detailss The participants of the survey will be provided with the cellular telephone figure of the chief research worker. The chief research worker is besides available for inquiries, remarks and concerns about the survey. How to cite A Prospective Cross Sectional Study Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples

Professional Environments Identify The Values And Clauses From ACS Cod

Question: Discuss about the Identify The Values And Clauses From ACS Code Of Professional Conduct And Australian Legislation. Answer: Introduction This study aims to identify the values and clauses from ACS Code of Professional Conduct and Australian Legislation applicable to the case scenario along with demonstrating MacDonald Framework of ethical decision making Case study After joining as a Project Manager, Alex faced a problem that due to the concern of intellectual property theft, the developers are not provided with sufficient access to their systems that lead to huge job dissatisfaction among the employees. Values and Clauses from ACS Code of Professional Conduct Relevant to the Scenario . ACS Code of Professional Conduct can help Alex for upholding as well as advancing effectiveness, dignity and honor of becoming a perfect professional who would be able to secure the intellectual property of the organization (Bently and Sherman 2014). On the other hand, the ACS Code of Professional Conduct focuses specifically on the individual professional. The ACS Code of Professional Conduct is comprised of six major values such as The Primacy of the Public Interest, The Enhancement of Quality of Life, Honesty, Competence, Professional Development and Professionalism (Davison, Monotti and Wiseman 2015). Three values are specifically relevant to this scenario amongst these six values such as The Primacy of the Public Interest, Honesty and Competence (Leicester 2016). On the other hand, there are five specific clauses of ACS Code of Professional Conduct that would be the relevant one for the scenario, which would help the project manager for resolving this kind of conflicting situation. These are as follows: Respecting intellectual property of the company Endeavor to utility, continuity, security and integrity of ICT Make the employees aware of the relevant legislation as well as standards and act accordingly. Endeavour for preserving the privacy and confidentiality of the information of others (Gibson 2016). Differentiating between the personal and professional opinions and advice. Relevant Australian Legislation Applicable to the Scenario In this current scenario, the intellectual property theft is the major issue due to which a confusing situation has been occurred. Therefore, few Australian legislations of intellectual property equivalent to ACS code of Professional Conduct are applicable and relevant to this scenario (Bently and Sherman 2014). The Australian Copyright Law, Design Protection Law, Australian patent protection Law, Australian Trade Mark Protection are the most applicable legislation for this scenario (Davison, Monotti and Wiseman 2015). MacDonald Framework Figure 1: MacDonald Framework for Ethical Decision Making (Source: Created by Author) Conclusion This study is successful in conveying the relevant values and clauses of ACS Code of Conduct and establishing MacDonald Framework of ethical decision making that can resolve the complex scenario. Recommendations IP Protection The project manager should focus more on the prohibiting the issues of Intellectual Property threat by implementing ACS code of conduct Employee satisfaction Project manager should also focus on providing space with a nominal limit to the employees so that they can enjoy working in their workplaces. References Bently, L. and Sherman, B., 2014.Intellectual property law. Oxford University Press, USA. Corones, S.G., 2014.Competition law in Australia. Thomson Reuters Australia, Limited.] Davison, M., Monotti, A. and Wiseman, L., 2015.Australian intellectual property law. Cambridge University Press. Gibson, J., 2016.Community resources: intellectual property, international trade and protection of traditional knowledge. Routledge. Leicester, N., 2016. Ethics in the IT Profession: Does a Code of Ethics have an Effect on Professional Behaviour?

Friday, May 1, 2020

Management of Venous Leg Ulcer

Question: Write an essay on "Management of Venous Leg Ulcer". Answer: Introduction A wound is an interference normal skin architecture and function. According to Bryant Nix (2015), acute wounds are expected to heal under normal stages of wound healing while chronic wounds are physiologically impaired. To ensure fast and proper healing of wounds, the wound should be clear of infections, well vascularised, lacks devitalized tissues and is kept moist. There are many factors that delay healing of wounds and include diabetes, some drugs, nutritional problem, infections and tissue necrosis (Demidova-Rice, Hamblin, Herman, 2012). The nurse should properly assess the patient with a wound in order to administer appropriate treatment. The patient, family, and the multidisciplinary team have a big role in the management of the patient wound. Discussion Appropriate assessment of the leg ulcer is the initial step towards the healing of the patient. Myers, 2012 claims that Proper assessment of the patient ulcer is paramount in determining the exact etiology for the ulcer and exclude arterial disease in which compression is dangerous. Visual assessment of the ulcer alone is regarded as unsatisfactory, instead, ulcer diagnosis and skilled assessment supported by guidelines are required (Myers, 2012). The assessment of the venous leg ulcer takes three main steps. Assessment of The Patient The records of the patient should be taken which includes the gender, age, and occupation. The medical history of the patient is determined and followed by physical examination (Di Clark, 2016). According to Starkey Brown (2015), physical examination involves measurement of the patient blood glucose levels, blood pressure, urinalysis, and weight and ankle brachial pressure. These measurements should be taken regardless of whether it is a recurrent or first leg ulcer and continued thereafter. Regmi (2012) argues that, the past medical history of the patient include: Allergies to dressing or medication, the degree of mobility as state of mobility can affect efficiency of calf muscle pump, smoking history as it delays wound healing and is a risk for arterial disease, social support as lack of social support and depression prolong the healing of the wound. medical history should also include a record of pain, as it can help to determine the ulcer pathology as symptoms that suggest the disease of the artery includes night pain which is lessened by hanging the leg downward from the bed, pain in the buttock and thigh while walking and reduced at rest, pain, when the limb affected is elevated, pain in the foot or limb when limb is resting (Regmi, 2012). The venous disease has symptoms of pain that include pain that improves on leg elevation but increases when the limb is dependent and night cramps that are relieved by walking. Thompson et al, 2014 asserts that obesity impairs venous return and reduces mobility while malnourishment can delay healing due to lack of vital nutrient; therefore it is important to determine patients nutritional status. The current medication of the patient should be noted as some medication delay healing including cytotoxic drugs and steroids. Assessment of The Leg The ankle brachial pressure index (ABPI) should be measured by Doppler ultrasound to detect arterial insufficiency as the arterial disease result when ABPI Assessment of The Ulcer The ulcer should be assessed for size as small ulcer takes less time to heal compared to a large ulcer. The ulcer depth should also be determined by describing the tissue that is present as it will determine how the wound is progressing and the choice of dressing. The exudates color and quantity should also be recorded as can determine any sign of clinical infection (Ylnen, Stolt, Leino-Kilpi, Suhonen, 2014). The location of the ulcer should be documented as can indicate the underlying cause. According to Ylnen, Stolt, Leino-Kilpi, Suhonen (2014), the documentation of the patient ulcer should also include the edge of the ulcer appearance as it can indicate a sign of infection .The edge that is epithelializing signifies that healing is in the process. Planning and Implementation The planning for nursing care for venous leg should be determined by the treatment goals which are gained from the overall assessment findings which include the family and client willingness to follow the care plan, the risk factor and patient concerns for wound heal ability, whether the wound is venous, arterial or mixed, peripheral circulation effectiveness and availability of supplies and resources (Regmi, 2012). Venous leg heals within three to four months when appropriate techniques are used in treatment. The implementation of care involves advising the patient on what to do so that the ulcer heals more quickly and nurse treating the leg ulcer and the associated symptoms of the leg ulcer. The following are the techniques in caring and treating the patient with venous legs ulcer Dressing and Cleaning The Ulcer The first step towards the treatment of the leg ulcer is removing any dead tissue and debris from the ulcer and then applying a dressing. The ulcer should be dressed in a nonsticky dress and should be changed on a weekly basis (ODonnel et al, 2015). Compression Therapy A compression bandage should be applied on the leg to squeeze in order to reduce swelling and enhance vein circulation of blood in the leg (Mosti, 2014). (Harding, Vanscheidt, Partsch, Caprini, Comerota (2014) explain that, the compression bandage facilitate blood to flow to the heart and faster healing of the wound. Different types of elastic stockings and bandage have been designed for the treatment of the leg ulcer. Systemic and Topical Therapy Antibiotics should be administered to a patient with leg ulcer to prevent systemic infections as a result of the ulcer. Pain killers should also be given to the patient to relieve pain. Most of the people usually develop scaly and itchy skin due to leg ulcer. According to Wang, Armstrong Armstrong (2013), Corticosteroid cream and emollient are suitable for driving away the itchiness of the scaly skin and inflammation but when corticosteroids drugs are taken orally they can delay healing of the wound. Skin Grafting Skin grafting involves shaving skin from one site of the body and transferring it another site. Lazarus et al (2015) explains that, skin grafts aid in healing the ulcer as it create new blood supply Varicose Vein Surgery Myers (2012) argues that the surgery of the varicose vein can also be used in the management and treatment of venous leg ulcer. Role of the Client and Family in Management of Venous Leg Ulcer The patient and the family have a significant role to play for the patient to recover from the venous leg condition. According to Myers (2012), the role of the patient and the family in management of the venous leg includes: Washing Hands The client and the family members should always wash hands before touching the wound. The hands should be washed using alcohol based techniques or soap and water. The washing preventing transmitting the microorganism to the wound and hence allow healing kept clean- the patient and the family have the obligation of ensuring that the dressing is keeping Dressing Clean The dressing is kept clean prevent entry of microorganism onto the wound. The dressing protects injury on the wound and keeps out germs. Taking Care The wound should be taken care of injury and trauma. The wound heals more rapidly when there is no trauma or further injuries. Balanced Diet The family should provide the patient with a balanced diet as the healing of the wound requires nutrients. The body of a patient demands more nutrients than a healthy person for it to heal the wound. Quit Smoking The patient should quit smoking as smoking delays the healing of the wound. The nurse has a role in advising the patient on the need to quit smoking for wound to heal more quickly Exercise Exercise has been shown to increase the rate of healing of a wound as calf muscle pump function is increased through exercise Social Support The family has the role of providing social support to the patient with a venous leg to improve the healing process. Depression due to lack of social support has been shown to delay the healing process. Evaluation The evaluation of the leg is of great importance to determine if the ulcer is healing. Active management process should be put into place. The evaluation should be carried out at regular basis to monitor the progress of the ulcer. The evaluation is to determine whether the ulcer is healing, the presence of new comorbidities, need for ulcer biopsy, confirmation of etiology of the ulcer and compliance of the patient to treatment (Lazarus et al , 2014). The nurse should take an appropriate action after evaluation. Factors That May Impact Proposed Nursing Care and Therapeutic Wound Management. Patient Preference The nurse has the role in informing the patient of the nursing care and therapy that he/she is to administer to him. The nurse should present all the options for the patient and the patient chooses the treatment that suits him/her best (Regmi, 2012). The Patient choice of treatment will determine the nursing care and the therapy that the nurse provides to the patient. Availability of Resources and Cost The nurse may change the proposed nursing care and therapeutic wound management if the hospital does not have enough resources for treatment (Regmi, 2012).The hospital may lack the equipment necessary to undertake the treatment of the patient and hence the nurse will be forced to take another option of treatment. The financial status of the patient can also influence the choice of therapy and nursing care that the nurse would use in wound management. Patient Medical History The patient medical history will influence the choice of treatment that the nurse provides to the patient (Di Clark, 2016). The patient who is allergic to dressing and some drugs will make the nurse administer other options of treatment. The nurse may decide to offer nutrition advice to the patient who is malnourished and give him/her nutrition supplement. The patients who have a history of smoking will be advised to stop smoking to enhance the healing of the wound. The Type of Wound The assessment result will be able to determine the type of wound that the patient is having which will determine the therapy and nursing care that he/she will be provided by the nurse (Augustin et al, 2015).The different types of wounds are venous, arterial or mixed, each type requires a specific care and management. Patient Current Medication The patient current medication can influence the nurse choice of medication. According to Wang, Armstrong Armstrong (2013), the anti-inflammatory drugs like steroids and the cytotoxic drugs can cause delayed healing of wounds. The nurse should, therefore, find alternative treatment for inflammation other than using steroids if the patient has a wound. The role of Multidisciplinary Team in Improving the Care of the Patient with Venous Leg Ulcer. The multidisciplinary team work together to treat and assess the patient so that the patient can reap enough benefits from the treatment (Kim, Evans,Steinberg, Pollard, Attinger, 2013). The multidisciplinary team facilitate referral of the patient to a different specialist and hence promotes positive outcomes. According to Quinlivan, Jones, Causby Brown (2014), the multidisciplinary team in wound management includes: Client- the client is part of the multidisciplinary team in the management of venous leg ulcer. The patient should ensure that he adheres to the therapy and embrace practices that promote the healing of would like quitting smoking, exercise, and intake of a balanced diet. The multidisciplinary team should hear the patient wishes and guide him/her accordingly. Physician- The physician has a role in the management of the patient by monitoring his/ her health status Nurse- the nurse has a role in applying compression bandage and to optimize the wound care to the patient Enterostomal Therapist Nurse -he/she has the role of assessing the patient, plan for treatment and implementing the treatment plan. Dietician-The dietician will help reduce the weight of the patient if they are obese and optimize the nutritional intake to the malnourished. Physiotherapists-To monitors the lower leg exercises and teach the patient on how to exercise his/her feet. Infection Disease Specialist-has the role of assessing and monitoring the identified disease infection. Compression Stocking Specialist- He/she teaches the client on how he/she is supposed to apply the stockings. He/she chooses the permanent stocking fittings for the patient once healing has occurred. Conclusion The management of the wound should first involve assessment of the patient. The proper assessment of the patient with venous leg ulcer involves three main procedures which include patient assessment, leg assessment, and ulcer assessment. The appropriate assessment gives the guideline to the nurse on the appropriate management to administer to the patient. 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