Monday, September 30, 2019

Business Plan for a Real Estate Business in Bangladesh Essay

It will make good quality flats for clients to live and enjoy lot more exclusive facilities. All these will be available at a very reasonable price. Since we believe in economies of scale. Slogan: â€Å"feel like living on heaven in every moment† Financing: To start up the business, Tk. 20 crores will be required, some additional needs to be financed by the bank. The loan will be repaid by five years. Confidentiality: This Business Plan is strictly confidential and is the property of the co-owners mentioned above. Any reproduction of the material inside will result is strictly prohibited. There has always been a good demand in the real estate market, and as the income level of the people of Bangladesh grows, that demand is surging even further. People want to buy unique, good-looking and attractive flats, but they want a good value for their money as well. That’s where we come in. We offer excellent quality flats, at reasonable prices. Another uniqueness of our business is that we have a separate line of apartments for office/bank use only. There is currently no such real estate companies in Bangladesh that offers an exclusive line of apartments. Therefore, in this segment, we can enjoy the benefits of being an oligopolist. On the other hand, we have the business-to-business prospect. Due to good economic growth, apartments are on the rise. Raihan with share of profit and loss according to ratio of equity invested. Together, we have gathered the necessary expertise required to run a real estate business. Initially, we will of course incur losses, but we plan to make profits in the fourth or fifth year. Real Estate Industry Analysis Industry Analysis: Real estate is a fixed, tangible and immovable asset in form of houses or commercial property. Real estate market involves developing, renting, selling/purchasing and renovating of these assets (houses). Market participants includes o Developers (contractors, engineers, and so on), o Facilitators (mortgage companies, real estate brokers, banks, anagement agents and so on), owners, renters (leasers) Each product (house) is unique in terms of buildings, location, and financing thus market has heterogeneous products. Transaction costs are high and the process is usually long. Though there are mobile homes, but the land underneath is till immobile, real estate is an immovable asset. Market Segmentations: The main factor that affects demand in real estate industry is demographic features. The demographic variables include population size and growth, cultural background, beliefs. However, other factors like income, price of housing, cost and availability of funds, consumer preference, supplier’s preference, price of substitutes and compliments. Future Outlook: One of the most startling statistics regarding real estate in this country, and a fact few people even realize, is that big portion of land in the Bangladesh is held either by the Government or is being used for agricultural purposes. The total farm area comprises about 62% of the total geographical area, forest area accounts for 15%, Perennial water 11% and urban area only 01%. The physical landscape is characterized by small arable fields. There are over 11 million farm holdings with more than 65 million fragments. The pattern of land ownership is highly skewed. 5% for the families having land above 7. 2 acres own 26% of the land and 70% of the families having land below 2. 5 acres own only 29% of the land. The per capita availability of crop land is at present only 0. 24 acre. Land utilization statistics indicate that 54% of the net cropped area is single cropped and area under double and triple cropping account for 72% of the gross cropped area. 20% of the total cropped areas have irrigation facilities. Yield is low i. e. rice -0. 703 metric ton per acre. Annual food deficit ranges between 1. 5 2. 0 million metric tons. Frequent natural calamities like cyclone, flood, drought, tidal bore etc. add to the shortfall of crops and livestock. What this means is that only few portion of the country is available to support all residential and commercial uses. This equates to nearly 1800 people per square mile of land by 2020. Despite the mortgage crisis and resulting financial meltdown of the last several years, these statistics seem to indicate that owning real estate in Bangladesh will continue to be a wise investment. In the very basic economic sense, there is no more land being created (limited supply) and more population density every day (increased demand). ? Economy: Growth in FY2010 was better than expected in April 2010 in Bangladesh, as a pickup in domestic demand neutralized the impact of weak expansion in exports. Inflation came in below the April projection, and the current account surplus was higher. For FY2011, this Update retains the outlook of a moderate uptick in growth, but with a slightly lower forecast for inflation and a larger fall in the current account surplus. To raise growth prospects, power and gas shortages need to be eliminated and reforms accelerated. More fundamentally, political stability will be critical to boosting growth. The bank’s Monetary Policy Statement (MPS), issued in July 2010, indicated that there may have been some diversion of private credit into consumer spending and into speculative investments in the stock market and real estate. . So we are expecting that, the economic condition in Bangladesh will be much better for business. If we also consider the given figures the scenario will be clear more.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Cardiovascular Review Supplement

6 Histology Review Supplement Cardiovascular Tissue Review From the PhysioEx main menu, select Histology Atlas. Click on the white Sort By drop-down menu and select Histology Review from the list. Refer to the slides in the Cardiovascular Tissue Slides folder as you complete this worksheet. Which component of the intercalated disc is a junction that provides the intercellular communication required for the myocardium to perform as a functional syncytium? Gap junctions Heart The heart is a four-chambered muscular pump.Although its wall can be divided into three distinct histological layers (endocardium, myocardium, and epicardium), the cardiac muscle of the myocardium composes the bulk of the heart wall. Blood Vessels Blood vessels form a system of conduits through which lifesustaining blood is conveyed from the heart to all parts of the body and back to the heart again. Generally, the wall of every vessel is described as being composed of three layers, or tunics. The tunica intima, o r tunica interna, a simple squamous endothelium and a small amount of subjacent loose connective tissue, is the innermost layer adjacent to the vessel lumen.Smooth muscle and elastin are the predominant constituents of the middle tunica media, and the outermost tunica adventitia, or tunica externa, is a connective tissue layer of variable thickness that provides support and transmits smaller blood and lymphatic vessels and nerves. The thickness of each tunic varies widely with location and function of the vessel. Arteries, subjected to considerable pressure fluctuations, have thicker walls overall, with the tunica media being thicker than the tunica adventitia. Read Renal System Physiology PhysioexVeins, in contrast, are subjected to much lower pressures and have thinner walls overall, with the tunica adventitia often outsizing the tunica media. Because thinwalled veins conduct blood back to the heart against gravity, valves (not present in arteries) also are present at intervals to prevent backflow. In capillaries, where exchange occurs between the blood and tissues, the tunica intima alone composes the vessel wall. The tunica media of the aorta would have a much greater proportion of what type of tissue than a small artery?Elastic fibers In general, which vessel would have a larger lumen, an artery or its corresponding vein? Click slide 1. Contractile cardiac muscle cells (myocytes, myofibers) have the same striated appearance as skeletal muscle, but are branched rather than cylindrical in shape and have one (occasionally two) nucleus (myonucleus) rather than many. The cytoplasmic striations represent the same organization of myofilaments (sarcomeres) and alignment of sarcomeres as in skeletal muscle, and the mechanism of contraction is the same. The intercalated disc, however, is a feature unique to cardiac muscle.The Cardiovascular SystemThe densely stained structure is a complex of intercellular junctions (desmosomes, gap junctions, fasciae adherens) that structurally and functionally link cardiac muscle cells end to end. A second population of cells in the myocardium composes the noncontractile intrinsic conduction system (nodal system). Although cardiac muscle is autorhythmic, meaning it has the ability to contract involuntarily in the absence of extrinsic innervation provided by the nervous system, it is the intrinsic conduction system that prescribes the rate and orderly sequence of contraction. Extrinsic innervation only modulates the inherent activity.Click slide 2. Of the various components of the noncontractile intrinsic conduction system, Purkinje fibers are the most readily observed histologically. They are particularly abundant in the ventricular myocardium and are recognized by their very pale-staining cytoplasm and larger diameter. The connective tissue component of cardiac muscle is relatively sparse and lacks the organization present in skeletal muscle. Which component of the intercalated disc is a strong intercellular junction that functions to keep cells from being pulled apart during contraction? Desmosomes What is a functional syncytium?Cardiac muscle cell are mechanically, chemically and electrically connected to one another Why would the tunica media and tunica adventitia not be present in a capillary? The capillaries are very thin and have only room for layer of endothelial tissue, in the form of tunica intimaR E V I E W NAMELAB TIME/DATES H E E T EXERCISE 31 > Print FormConduction System of the Heart and Electrocardiography The Intrinsic Conduction System1. List the elements of the intrinsic conduction system in order, starting from the SA node.SA node > artioventricu lar node > > artioventricular bundle bundle branches purkinje fibers artioventricular node At what structure in the transmission sequence is the impulse temporarily delayed? Why? because it ensures that the atria have ejected their blood into the ventricles first before they contract.2. Even though cardiac muscle has an inherent ability to beat, the nodal system plays a critical role in heart physiology. What is that role? generate action potential at a greater frequency than other cardiac muscle cells. They are the pace m the heart. It sets the heart rate under normal circumstances. Electrocardiography3. Define ECG. The graphic recording of the electrical changes occurring during the cardiac cycle4. Draw an ECG wave form representing one heartbeat. Label the P, QRS, and T waves; the P–R interval; the S–T segment, and the Q–T interval. R S T P T Q P-R interval S Q-T interval5. Why does heart rate increase during running? The heart must beat faster and harder in order to deliver the larger amount of blood to muscles being used when running. 2076. Describe what happens in the cardiac cycle in the following situations. . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. immediately before the P wave: during the P wave: heart is in diastole depolarization of ventricles contraction of atria immediately after the P wave (P–R segment): during the QRS wave: depolarization of ventricles contraction of ventricles immediately after the QRS wave (S–T interval): during the T wave: repolarization of ventricles7. Define the following terms. 1. 2. 3. tachycardia: bradycardia: fibrillation: a heart rate over 100 beats/min a heart rate below 60 beats/min rapid uncoordinated heart contractions that makes heart useless as a pump ventricular fibrillation8. Which would be more serious, atrial or ventricular fibrillation? Why? when heart is in V-fib you are dead unless it can be shocked back into rhythm with atrial fibrillation9. Abnormalities of heart valves can be detected more ac curately by auscultation than by electrocardiography. Why is this so? Abnormal heart valves cause extra heart sounds that can be heard with stethoscope. EEG just measures electrical activity in the heart. It doesn't show how the valve works.208 Review Sheet 31R E V I E W NAMELAB TIME/DATES H E E T EXERCISEAnatomy of the Heart Gross Anatomy of the Human Heart1. An anterior view of the heart is shown here. Match each structure listed on the left with the correct letter in the figure. G J R U B K D N A 1. right atrium2. right ventricle3. left atrium c a b o4. left ventricle5. superior vena cava6. inferior vena cava7. ascending aorta8. aortic arch9. brachiocephalic artery10. left common carotid artery11. left subclavian artery12. pulmonary trunk13. right pulmonary artery14. left pulmonary artery15. ligamentum arteriosum16. ight pulmonary veins17. left pulmonary veins18. right coronary artery19. anterior cardiac vein T S W X V20. left coronary artery21. circumflex artery22. anterior inte rventricular artery23. apex of heart24. great cardiac veinWhat is the function of the fluid that fills the pericardial sac? environment. It allows the heart to beat in a relatively frictionless 3. Match the terms in the key to the descriptions provided below.F A H E A G B D G C1. location of the heart in the thorax2. superior heart chambers3. nferior heart chambers4. visceral pericardium5. â€Å"anterooms† of the heart6. equals cardiac muscle7. provide nutrient blood to the heart muscle8. lining of the heart chambers9. actual â€Å"pumps† of the heart10. drains blood into the right atriumKey: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. atria coronary arteries coronary sinus endocardium epicardium mediastinum myocardium ventricles4. What is the function of the valves found in the heart? Prevents back flow of blood5. What is the role of the chordae tendineae? enforce a one way blood flow through the heart chambersTheir called heart strings, and anchor the cusps to the ventricular walls Pulm onary, Systemic, and Cardiac Circulations6. A simple schematic of a so-called general circulation is shown below. What part of the circulation is missing from this diagram? Pulmonary circulation Add to the diagram as best you can to make it depict a complete systemic/pulmonary circulation. Label the systemic and pulmonary circulations. pulmonary ve heart pulmonary pulmonary Heart Systemic arteries Systemic capillaries Systemic veins systemic 202 Review Sheet 307.Differentiate clearly between the roles of the pulmonary and systemic circulations. Pulmonary circulation is only to provide gas exchange in the lungs; The systemic circulation provides the functional blood supply to all body tissues8. Complete the following scheme of circulation of a red blood cell in the human body. Right atrium through the tricuspid valve to the semilunar beds of the lungs, to the the biscuspid aorta right ventricle , through the pulmonary arteries pulmonary , to the capillary of the heart, through , thro ugh the aortic semilunar of the , and alve to the pulmonary trunk, to the pulmonary veins valve to the , to the left ventricle left atrium valve to the , to the systemic arteries, to the superior vena cava , capillary beds tissues, to the systemic veins, to the coronary sinus ; cardiac veins inferior vena cava entering the right atrium of the heart. pulmonary circulation9. If the mitral valve does not close properly, which circulation is affected?10. Why might a thrombus (blood clot) in the anterior descending branch of the left coronary artery cause sudden death? I can cut off the blood supply to the heart, resulting in death.Microscopic Anatomy of Cardiac Muscle11. How would you distinguish the structure of cardiac muscle from that of skeletal muscle? skeletal muscle is long, sylindrical, multinucleated cells ; has striations. Cardiac muscles branch, striated, uni-mucleated cells that interdigitate at the junctions12. Add the following terms to the photograph of cardiac muscle bel ow. a. intercalated disc b. nucleus of cardiac fiber c. striations d. cardiac muscle fiber interca Describe the unique anatomical features of cardiac muscle. What role does the unique structure of cardiac muscle play in its function?The intercalated discs have 2 important functions striatio nucleu1) holds the myocytes together so they don't part w heart contracts.2) allows an electrical connection between the cells, which is vital to the function of cardia the heart as a whole.Also has many mitochondria that provide energy required for contraction.   203 Review Sheet 30 Dissection of the Sheep Heart13. During the sheep heart dissection, you were asked initially to identify the right and left ventricles without cutting into the heart. During this procedure, what differences did you observe between the two chambers? eft ventricle was thick and solid, and the right was thinner and easily moved and flabby When you measured thickness of ventricular walls, was the right or left ventricl e thicker? left ventricle Knowing that structure and function are related, how would you say this structural difference reflects the relative functions of these two heart chambers? Theres a greater demand on the longer systemic circulation and has a higher resistance than the pulmonary circulation14. Semilunar valves prevent backflow into the atria ventricles ; AV valves prevent backflow into the Using your own observations, explain how the operation of the semilunar valves the mitral valve allows the blood to flow from the left atrium into left ventricle differs from that of the AV valves. tricuspid valve stops back flow of blood between th two. The semilunar valves permit blood to be forced into the but prevent back flow of blood from the arteries into the ventricles.15. Compare and contrast the structure of the right and left atrioventricular valves. has 3 flapped valve. the mitral valve contains 2 flaps, tricuspi16.Two remnants of fetal structures are observable in the heartâ₠¬â€the ligamentum arteriosum and the fossa ovalis. What were they called in the fetal heart, where was each located, and what common purpose did they serve as functioning fetal structures? ligamentum arteriosm- called ducts arterious in fetal heart. located between the pulmonary trunk and aortic arch In adults ligament there now. Allows blood to flow from pulmonary trunk to systemic circulation.17. Fossa Ovaliscalled foramen ovale in fetal heart, located on right atrium wall and wall of right ventricle.Allowed blood to enter 204 Review Sheet 30

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Oklahoma Indian Territory on the Trail of Tears Essay

Oklahoma Indian Territory on the Trail of Tears - Essay Example Tomorrow, all the living and non-living things will be strange to me. How can I part with the rivers and trees in my locality? Will I be able to survive in a different land? My future will give an apt answer. Here, I shall share some facts about my tribe, my motherland and my feelings on the possible removal to Oklahoma Indian Territory on the Trail of Tears. Facts about my tribe The history of my tribe/community is interconnected with history of the early inhabitants of the United States of America. Earlier, we did not face any problem from others because we were self-sufficient. One can see that my tribe is the largest ethnic group within the tribal groups in America. My ancestral heritage is deeply rooted in the old Cherokee Nation or The Nation (18th and 19th Centuries). As pointed out, we were self-sufficient because we used to consider the nature as our mother. Besides, the members of the Old Cherokee Nation did not consider nature as an unending source of resources that can be exploited without any solid reason. But the people who live in large cities and towns are not able to understand the relationship between ethnic communities and nature. To be specific, our rituals, customs, and the events in day to day life are interconnected with nature. Earlier, we used to live in the Appalachia region. To be specific, the leaders of our tribal group were not aware of the importance of unity among different groups and the need of a strong central authority. On the other side, the tribal chiefs appointed by the British and the American authorities had little influence among the members of our community. Now, the government is planning to implement the Indian Removal Act of 1830 to relocate us to another part of America. In short, we are facing a number of problems related to survival because we are forced to relocate to the Trail of Tears. Burgan stated that â€Å"The U.S. government had forced them from their homes and set them on this march of about 800 miles ( 1,287 kilometers)† (4). If one is not so attached to one’s motherland, relocation is not a major problem. But my life is interconnected with my motherland. So, I do not feel confident to declare that I can survive in a different land. Now I feel so attached to my motherland because I am aware of the fact that relocation is unavoidable. About my motherland My motherland is in New Echota, within North America. One can easily identify that my motherland is rich in natural beauty and fertility because two beautiful rivers (say, Coosawattee and Conasauga) are flowing through my mother land. Besides, both the rivers join together and form another river, namely Oostanaula. All these rivers flow to another river, namely Coosa. The modern people provide less value to the importance of rivers in tribal life because they are not aware of the influence of the same in human life. These rivers helped use to realize the importance of water which nourishes the flora and fauna of this r egion. As the members of an indigenous community which ruled over the Northern Part of the American continent, we consider ourselves as the owners of the land. This is utmost important for us because the problems related to our life in this region is interconnected with autonomy and ownership of fertile land. We are totally against the exploitation natural resources to fulfill the selfish motives of human beings. But most of the human beings are not yet ready to

Friday, September 27, 2019

History and Historiography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

History and Historiography - Essay Example In other words, the different perceptions of historians who have come and gone in the past can be studied with the help of historiography. Furthermore, it is very hard to understand the history, as the historiography depends mainly on the supporting characters of every time, who influences the historians, and thus, one cannot understand the reality of the past properly. In addition, historiography is hard, but it has given a sense of curiosity to the historians, as well as, humans, in order to discover the hidden facts of human life. (History and Historiography, n.d.) Moreover, a specific process is considered by the historians for the obtaining, as well as, transmission of historical knowledge to the others. In this regard, this specific process is studied by the historiography. In the past, different methods have been utilized for obtaining hidden facts related to the human lives, as well as, older civilizations. As earlier mentioned in the paper, political influences also play a crucial role in the writing of history, as historians used to write under the banner of an Empire, or a Kingdom. Thus, it is the responsibility of historiography to examine the processes of history, which involved influences, situations, politics, etc. (Clark, 1994) In this regard, some of the main characteristics of written history, which is examined and evaluated by the historiography, are sources, audience, interpretation, biasness, etc. Furthermore, all the historical works contain a body, which has been referred as the historiography. However, it has been observed that most of the tools related to the written history have been changed, which results in the diversified meanings and relations of historiography. Thus, it is very hard to define the term historiography in one sentence, and different people will relate different interpretations with it. Moreover, breaking of historiography has often been done in different perceptions by diverse humans. At some places, religion has been taken as the base of the historiography, such as Historiography of Islam, or Historiography of Christianity, etc. However, regions or countries have been considered as the bases of historiography at other places, such as, Historiography of British, or Historiography of America, etc. Furthermore, historiography consists of a number of fields, such as, social, oral, etc, which changes the approaches that are considered by the historians. (Clark, 1994) In the nineteenth century, mass literature of historiography has been observed due to the commencement of professional and academic historians around the world. "The reasons why British history has not been written are good, in the sense that they follow naturally enough from the adoption of a limited, if perfectly legitimate, conception of the historian's function". (Pocock, 1982) Background The sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries have been roughly related with the history of Great Britain by the historians. They have termed it as ancient history of early modern Britain. In this regard, so

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Internet Technology and Social Media Solutions for Business Essay

Internet Technology and Social Media Solutions for Business - Essay Example Internet and Social Media have brought a revolution to the business world in the ‎recent past and proved to be an efficient online mode to imply various marketing strategies for ‎enhancing new business developments. Nearly all forms of businesses attained sustainability, ‎visibility and brand attention to nominal face with such online marketing tool over the years. This ‎platform gives up-to-date knowledge of any services or products, enhances online traffic and ‎create sound awareness (Norman 25).‎ There is a number of effective social media networks like YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, ‎various blogs and Twitter available to facilitate the online business activities for building state of the art ‎solid customer base. This could be carried out by effectively marketing and advertising the ‎products through the adoption of interactive plans and strategies, for instance conducting online ‎polls, webinars, contests and e-books etc. The most important factor for online business through ‎social media is the engagement of accurate target audience so that the customers remain loyal to ‎respective brands or services for longer period of time.‎ Social Media’s Benefits to Business There are countless benefits of conducting business through an effective use of ‎technological internet tools. ... It also brings ?new job openings worldwide which tends to decrease the unemployment rate. The marketing ?tool also brings new investment to the business which is the best way to grow. It totally depends upon the way social media is used for business. It can be used for obtaining several objectives. Most ?common foreseeable objectives include fresh business contact, search new potential clients, ?obtaining prompt feedback, suggestion and positive criticism from the customers, conduct online ?marketing research and so on and so forth (Norman 54).? Internet and Social Media’s Applications in Business: ? †¢ It could be essentially import for gaining sizable profits in business through effective online ?marketing and publicity.? †¢ The medium of marketing could marginalize all hurdles in the business and put on the path of ?success.? †¢ It could identify target respondents of the products and services to build loyal and long term ?relationship with the clients.? â₠¬ ¢ A type of bonding is formed between buyers and sellers through social media.? †¢ It also tends to make new contact with different communities around the world of identical ?interests.? †¢ Experiences are shared with eventually lead towards building high credibility.? †¢ Through all time interaction, a consultation and advice can be given without any hidden cost.? †¢ Social Media creates a pool of like-minded people and builds strong ties for business prospective. ? †¢ It also helps to evaluate the weaknesses along with the competitor’s strategies (Stephen, 2011).? Evaluation of Business through Different Social Media and Internet Tools This paragraph clearly indicates the results which recently obtained by the companies using

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Sources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sources - Essay Example We live in a society, in which sons and daughters are treated very differently, pink is considered feminine and blue is considered an ideal color for boys. Boys are given much more freedom than girls; this is often fought against by the mothers. Boys make their own groups when they reach infancy, such groups operate independently but when girls make such groups they have to be dependent on someone to operate effectively. A girl who displays masculine traits is considered abnormal and a boy who displays feminine traits is considered abnormal, this is very stereotypical thinking and something which must change very soon. Girls are encouraged to play with dolls and boys on the contrary engage in activities which suit their gender. â€Å"While both mothers and fathers contribute to the gender stereotyping of their children, fathers have been found to reinforce gender stereotypes more often than mothers.† (Ruble, 1988) These were some of the socio-cultural and biological factors which affect gender role

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

No Country for Old Men by Cormic McCarthy Essay

No Country for Old Men by Cormic McCarthy - Essay Example Dystopia can also be described as a life of unfavorable circumstance. First, Llewelyn Moss finds and steals the drug dealers’ $2,000,000 cash from the crime scene, being at the wrong place (Rio Grande) at the wrong time, after the drug battle (McCarthy 3). Consequently, the life of Llewelyn Moss is life is filled with unfavorable circumstances. The entire story focuses on Moss trying to evade being forced to return the drug dealer’s money. The story shows the disadvantages of being pulled in the dangerous and short-lived life within the drug trade. Moss is forced to persuade his young wife, Carla Jean Moss, to pack up her bags and hide in far away Odessa in order to avoid being held as the drug dealers’ hostage (McCarthy 28). Unfortunately, Moss is unsuccessful. Chigurh kills Carla Moss. Sheriff Bell warns Carla the drug dealers will find and kill her husband for stealing their drug money (McCarthy 67). Further, the story shows that dystopia claims another victim , Sheriff Bell. Sheriff Bell is unsuccessful in protecting Moss from being killed by people who are after the drug money. Sheriff Bell is not able to prevent Chigurh’s killing Carla Moss (McCarthy 144). Consequently, despair prompts Sheriff Bell to retire and drift into dreamland. The entire novel’ dystopia character is grounded on retrieving the drug money from the thief, Llewelyn Moss (Spurgeon 75). Additionally, the novel is one of McCarthy’s many war-based novels. McCarthy’s favorite wars include the Mexican-American War, Mexican Revolution, and World War 2. McCarthy’s other novels include the Blood Meridian and the Border Trilogy. Both Sheriff Bell and LLewelyn Moss are war veterans (Hage 121). Further, the author brings to life the effect of dystopia on different characters. The author fits the evil forces against the good forces. The story ends with the evil forces triumphant over the good forces, characteristic of dystopia. One good force, Sheriff Bell, unsuccessfully prevents the death of the one good character, Moss. Sheriff Bell did not prevent the killing of Carla Moss. Llewelyn Moss is another good character. As a finder’s keeper person, Llewelyn Moss was innocently dragged into the drug world. Moss ends up killed by other Mexicans trying to grab the drug money from Moss (McCarthy 63). Mario Raff reiterated that Moss is the hero or good person in the novel, since Anton Chigurh is depicted as the villain for strangling a police officer (2). A third good person, Carla Moss, is an innocent victim of the drug world. By being the wife of Moss, Carla is targeted by the drug syndicates. Carla Moss losses her life at the hands of the drug dealer’s hitman, Anton Chigurh (McCarthy 144). With reduced capital, there would be lesser drugs smuggled through the borders of Mexico (Spurgeon 75). Furthermore, the bad characters are triumphant in the novel. Chigurh, drug dealer hitman, successfully recovers the money from the apartment of Moss. The author brings out Chigurh’s philosophy where there are no right decisions or wrong decisions, just plain decisions needed to be made based on each unique situation (Raff 6). The drug dealers recover the money from Moss. The author espouses that evil can triumph over good (Spurgeon 75). Moreover, the author sprinkles the novel with a dystopia (misfortune) tone. Dystopia focuses on sad, failure or loss hovering over the novel’s good forces. For example, Moss ends up dead in the

Monday, September 23, 2019

You choose it Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

You choose it - Essay Example is, however, unfortunate that in spite of the great strides, many obstacles still obstruct the realization of the employment rights of people living with disabilities. Only a few people living with disabilities access meaningful employment. There are several misconceptions and negative attitudes about disability that reduce the employers’, whether corporate, government or non-government, willingness from hiring anyone affected by a disability (UNICEF 2011). In some instances, some qualified job seekers are clearly discriminated and sidelined because of disabilities. People with intellectual disability are, for example, stigmatized for their perceived inability to comprehend most of the things that surround them. In addition, some employers are unwilling to recruit them because of the costs of adaptive technology and modifications needed at the workplace for them to work efficiently (UNICEF 2011). It is, therefore, apparent that these misconceptions continue to deprive people with disabilities the opportunity for employment. Lack of access to education, training, and funding are central to securing employment. Young people living with disabilities do not have access to opportunities and formal education to enhance their skills. The gap in education levels between those with disabilities and those without is a primary factor that determines who secures employment (DRNPA 2009). For people with disabilities and lack formal education, training or skills, they can still indulge in self-employment. Their lack of funding, however, presents an obstacle that prevents them from setting up businesses. Securing loans from lenders is a challenge because there are few people in the society who are willing to be collaterals to them. The lack of funds for investment, therefore, continues to deprive them the opportunity for employment (â€Å"Arc, 2014†). It is inevitable that people with disabilities are overprotected by the labor laws. Many countries and, in particular, those

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Industrial Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Industrial Relations - Essay Example On the example of relevant studies and researches, a special attention is paid to the influence of globalization in LDCs’ manufacturing sector. 1. Introduction The modern phenomenon of globalization is a wide-spread issue for the discussion in numerous researches and studies. It cannot be denied that various dynamic phenomena are correlated with this background. The limits of different nations are blurred and it is appropriate to focus on specific criteria for development of different employment patterns, which differ from the ones, which existed previously. Actually, there are many different aspects of globalization and we will further focus on economic globalization. With respect to it, we found it necessary to define the phenomenon of economic globalization: â€Å"Economic globalization refers to the increasing interdependence of world economies as a result of the growing scale of cross-border trade of commodities and services, flow of international capital and wide and ra pid spread of technologies. It reflects the continuing expansion and mutual integration of market frontiers, and is an irreversible trend for the economic development in the whole world at the turn of the millennium1 † It can be surely claimed that the development of technologies and flow of international capital across different countries enable foreign markets to create a great number of new jobs. Employment goes at a full pace, but very often this process evokes numerous different reactions of the society. On the one hand, globalization has been gradually increasing in the world of economy and different changes happened to foster the processes of globalization. 2. Economic Globalization: Pros and Cons in the Manufacturing Industry of LDCs Let us focus on the economic globalization and its impact on less developed countries (LDCs). In this case we will see the following picture: tariff barriers for international trade became much lower and there is a coming process of a high -speed market development in the world. The world trade, goods and products are on the way of their constant expansion and development. As a result, the cost of transportation and communication around the world are expanding the laws of international regulations. Consequently, conditions of employment for the employees in different fields should be correlated with the options of investments and a free financial flaw. It was found out by Lee (1996) that â€Å"there  is  a  significant  current  of  apprehension over  the  implications  of  globalization  for  employment  and  income  inequality.On  the  face  of  it  this  is  difficult  to  reconcile  wih  the  voluntary  shift  towards  a more  open  world  economy  in  democratic  societies,  which  are  also  the  only countries  where  the  apprehension  is  voiced†2. Moreover, LDCs have many opportunities to follow credit process line of the government and the global society to improve their production. Less developed firms are encouraged and supported internationally. There are many winners in employment nowadays, but there are many losers as well. Globalization often leads to job losses, but at the same time it can create a number of interesting and prospective jobs. There are different patterns of global trade and employment generation is on the prospective edge of having many opportunities for development. Economic  globalization  has always intensified changes of employment patterns. This resulted

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Organizational Culture Essay Example for Free

Organizational Culture Essay Since there are so many other competitors suddenly appear on the horizon, and Samsung have to create a lot of new creativity to face all the compete, they have to create their new organization culture. The new theme of corporate culture is â€Å"Creative†, to building a creative corporate culture, Samsung have to set a few characteristics to put into practice. Based on the research, Samsung adopting a program which is â€Å"Flexible Time† tp maximize employee creativity and another program is monitoring â€Å"Over-time Work† to help improve life quality o employees in year 2008. The material that issues regarding â€Å"Building a Creative Corporate Culture† was identified as : Samsung also promoting a creative organizational culture using some organization behavior concepts which are: * Encouraging Suggestions for Work Process Improvement Samsung Electronics implements various programs to support employees’ suggestions so that ideas can bear fruit. They offer incentives for the filing of patents, provide a knowledge management system to share expertise and knowledge amongst employees, and support community activities. They also offer incentives for idea suggestions to encourage their employees to proactively participate in knowledge sharing within Samsung Electronics. As a result, a total of 3,515 patents were filed in the U.S. in 2008. * Adopting a Flexible Time program Samsung Electronics adopted a â€Å"Flexible Time† test program in 2008 in selected business divisions to maximize the creativity of its employees. This test was the expression of their determination to shift from a time management-based corporate culture to a creativity-oriented corporate culture. Under the program, employees are empowered to flexibly manage their office hours as long as they work a total of eight hours each day. If this test proves successful, Samsung will expand the program to a company-wide level. * Work-Life Balance Because social norms have changed, an increasing number of female workers are participating in economic activities and retaining high potential employees has become the key to successful business operations. Happiness has become the overarching value of employees’ quality life, giving rise to greater social interest in balancing work and life. Therefore, Samsung Electronics also supports and encourages the employees to balance their work and life. In case anyone works overtime, their supervisor and the employee are notified to insure they comply with the legal overtime work requirements. For the creativity of the employees, Samsung Electronics also provides vacations for self-management and other vacation programs including family theme tour packages. * Welfare Programs Samsung Electronics shares and cares about its employees’ concerns over their health, children’s education and post-retirement life and helps them prepare for their future in order to enhance employee satisfaction and provide better working environments. In addition to the basic legal welfare programs such as premium subsidies for National Pension, Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance and Employment Insurance, they also provide medical subsidies, a corporate pension program, work-out facilities and condominium rental services. Samsung Electronics believe that a creative corporate culture grows out of the technological search for innovation and its application. , researchers inherently looked for â€Å"innovative† ideas and technologies. A number of failures and prejudices from the trials and errors of the development process were the largest obstacles in putting â€Å"innovative† ideas into practice. This barrier can be broken down to build stronger assurances through a number of verifications and databases. Nevertheless, these procedures can sometimes result in a waste of time. I think Samsung Electronics need to reduce the waste with more open-minded thoughts and perspectives. With an aim to realize a â€Å"Great Work Place (GWP),† Samsung Electronics has analyzed its corporate culture by utilizing the confidence index of âÅ'Å"The 100 Best Companies to Work For by Fortune Magazine since 1998. In 2007, Samsung concluded a global contract with the â€Å"Great Place To Work (GPTW)† of the U.S. for a confidence index survey of their domestic and overseas workforces, which contribute to building a corporate culture that fits their global stature. Based on the GWP analysis results, each division and department prepare and implement improvement plans to build a GWP by filling the gaps in the five survey categories which are of trust, respect, fairness, pride and solidarity. Also, 400 GWP officers supervise and implement corporate culture improvement activities at each workplace.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Violence Women Pakistan

Violence Women Pakistan Media briefing: Violence against women in Pakistan Subject: [women-rights] Media briefing: Violence against women in Pakistan Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 18:18:11 +0100 * News Release Issued by the International Secretariat of Amnesty International * 16 April 2002 ASA 33/010/2002 62/02 The government of Pakistan vigorously condemns the practice of so-called honour killings. Such acts do not find a place in our religion or law. Killing in the name of honour is murder and will be treated as such. General Pervez Musharraf, April 2000 Introduction Women in Pakistan are severely disadvantaged and discriminated against. Violence against women in the home and community as well as in the custody of law enforcement officials is on the rise. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) found that in 2000 a woman was raped every two hours, and that hundreds were victims of honour killings, domestic violence, burnings and murder. While a few positive changes have taken place over the last couple of years, the government is still failing to protect women from these abuses. Many cases receive media attention and the involvement of human rights organizations, but they are quickly forgotten. Other women suffer abuses in silence for years, die violent deaths and get buried in unmarked graves. Womens awareness of their rights has increased thanks to the work of Pakistani womens rights groups. However most women remain ignorant of even their most basic rights. A newspaper survey in 2000 reported that almost 90% of women did not realise that they had any rights at all. In its fifth report on women in Pakistan, Amnesty International summarizes the current governments commitments to uphold womens rights, describes cases of abuses in the community, in the home and in custody and the failure of the criminal justice system. The report also sets out recommendations. Family and community Domestic violence, which includes physical abuse, rape, acid throwing, burning and killing, is widespread in Pakistan. Few women would complain under legal provisions relating to physical injury. For those who do take the step, police and the judiciary usually dismiss their complaints and send them back to their abusive husbands. Very poor women, women from religious minorities and women bonded labourers are particularly vulnerable to violence in the community and home. According to the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, over 90% of married women report being kicked, slapped, beaten or sexually abused when husbands were dissatisfied by their cooking or cleaning, or when the women had failed to bear a child or had given birth to a girl instead of a boy. Another organization stated that one woman is murdered and one woman is kidnapped in Pakistan every day. ? The case of Shukria On 22 October 2001, Sharif in village Goharpur, Sheikhupura district, Punjab province, tied his wife Shukrias wrists and ankles with rope, poured kerosene over her and with the help of his mother and sister set her on fire. The couple had been married for ten years. As they remained childless, Sharif wanted to marry another woman but Shukria did not agree to this. Neighbours tried to rescue Shukria but she died shortly afterwards in hospital. Women continue to die painful deaths in so-called stove burn accidents in the kitchen. The HRCP estimates that less that 20% of deaths lead to arrests and most suspects are released within days. Acid-throwing is on the increase. Acid burns do not usually kill but result in hideous disfiguration and suffering, destruction of self-esteem, and confine women to the home. The government has done little to restrict the sale of acid or to punish those who use it to injure women. Forced marriage of young girls continues to be reported despite a legal minimum age of 16. While slavery is illegal in Pakistan, girls and women continue to be traded to settle debts or conflicts. In Sukkur in 2000, a six-year-old girl was married to a 60-year-old man when her family was unable to repay a debt. According to newspaper reports the marriage was consummated and the little girl screamed loudly for hours after the rape. A form of forced marriage specific to the interior of Sindh province is the marriage of girls and women to the Quran. This keeps the womans share of property in the family as she will have no children to pass it on to. Human rights organizations report that there are currently over 5000 women married to the Quran in Sindh. Pakistan is both a country of origin and a transit country for the trafficking of women for domestic labour, forced marriage and prostitution. This form of slavery is organized by crime networks that span South Asia. The open sale of girls and women in markets is reported in underdeveloped areas such as parts of Balochistan. Some women, both local and trafficked, are killed if they refuse to earn money in prostitution. Some are forced into prostitution by their husbands. Journalist Sufi Mohammad Khan from Badin, Sindh, was killed on 2 May 2001 after reporting extensively about trafficking in drugs and women in the Tharparkar area of Sindh which happened with the connivance of apathetic authorities. He reported that some 70 women have been kidnapped in Sindh and Punjab, detained by the Arbab feudal family and forced into prostitution. The journalist was bribed and threatened by members of the family. Honour killings Honour killings are carried out by men who assume that their wives, daughters or sisters have in some way contravened norms relating to the behaviour of women which reflect on and damage a mans honour. Often the grounds for such assumptions can be very flimsy and amount to nothing more than a suspicion about a womans fidelity. Men are also known to have felt shamed if their women seek divorce or become the victims of rape. The exact number of honour killings is impossible to ascertain as many go unreported. Media and human rights organizations estimate that three women are murdered each day. In 2000, the HRCP recorded over 1000 honour killings in Punjab alone. Prosecution of honour killings is lax and only a few men have been convicted. In the higher levels of government and the judiciary, honour killings are recognised as a serious problem. The government of Pakistan has condemned honour killings as murder and a seminar in Karachi in April 2001 looked at problems of redress in honour crime cases. However no action has followed and honour killings continue to be reported daily. In December 2000, three brothers overpowered their sister-in-law, Anila, sprinkled kerosene on her clothes and set her on fire in a village near Sukkur when they suspected her of infidelity. Her father rescued her and took her to hospital where, with 85% burns, she died. In early 2001, Mir Afzal cut off the nose of his wife Amroz Khatoon in Karachi as he suspected her of infidelity. He then attempted to kill her but neighbours alerted by the noise interceded. Police arrested the man and his accomplices but Amroz Khatoon has received threats to her life if she pursues her complaint. In March 2001, a 60-year-old widow, Hidayat Khatoon, and 55-year-old Baksh Ali were killed by the widows son in Chandan village, district Sukkur. When the son surrendered to police, he said that he had been teased by villagers over his mothers alleged affair and had therefore killed both. In July 2001, 16-year-old Shoukat Labano in Sukkur district, shot dead his mother Rahima (33) when he suspected her of an affair. Increasingly honour killings involve not only the woman but several other family members. In November 2000, Mohammed Umar Magsi killed his 11-year-old daughter with an axe because he suspected her of having an affair. When his wife and younger daughter tried to intervene, he killed them as well. On 8 January 2001, Riaz Ahmed axed to death his wife, three daughters and two sons, because he suspected his wife of adultery. On 16 January 2002, Jamal threw hand grenades into his father-in-laws house when his wife refused to return to him, killing five of her relatives and injuring eight. The HRCP has observed that increasingly young boys are forced to attack or kill sisters who are opposed to a forced marriage. Afterwards the boys are formally pardoned by their fathers which allows them to go free. The emergence of fake honour killings is a worrying new trend. There is a pattern of men accusing their wives of being dishonourable with wealthy men purely for financial gain. The wife is declared kari (black woman, one who brings shame) and is killed. The suspected man is made to pay off the husband and he is pardoned. In a few cases, women have begun to resist violence in the name of honour. A young woman escaped death when she fought her husband. The local landlord held a jirga (tribal council) which established her innocence and asked the husband to apologise and take her back. Women who marry men of their own choice are often seen to damage their familys honour; they are frequently detained by their parents, forcibly married to someone else, threatened, humiliated, assaulted or killed. If a couple marry in court against the will of their parents, and the parents challenge the union, they can be charged with illicit sexual relations under the Zina Ordinance (which prohibits sex outside marriage). Newly-weds are advised to have their marriage confirmed by a magistrate and seek shelter with friends for some time. In many cases families accept the fact of marriage but sometimes their sense of shame is not appeased. Robina and Khushi Mohammad were killed in May 2000 by Robinas uncle and two brothers over two years after their wedding they had been in hiding but had finally returned to the husbands home. Custodial violence Physical abuse of women in custody continues to be rife in Pakistan. Despite promises of police reform, police continue to use torture to intimidate, harass and humiliate detainees to extract money or information. Women are subjected to gender-specific abuses including sexual harassment, public undressing and parading, and rape. Conditions of detention for women are also of grave concern. State inaction In April 2000, President Musharraf made a range of commitments to protect womens rights. Since then, there have been many positive signals and pronouncements but little effective change. The authorities are often aware of a series of abuses and do not intervene. Some officials prevent women from accessing the criminal justice system and seeking redress. Some court judgments over the past year-and-a-half have adequately protected womens rights while others have treated women as a mans property. This inconsistency indicates that the law is not being equally applied and the gender bias of individual judges is determining whether a woman is protected or not. Police confronted with complaints of domestic violence are known to refuse to register the complaint, to humiliate the victim or to have advised the battered woman to return home. Even the staff of state womens shelters frequently advise women to accept reconciliation and return home. Conviction rates for rape are very low. Police rarely respond adequately as they side with local people with influence who are involved in the crime. Women frequently dont seek redress out of shame but also because of the possibility of being accused of Zina if they cannot establish absence of consent. Recommendations Amnesty Internationals report makes recommendations which are well within the powers of the Government of Pakistan to implement and do not require a huge investment of resources. They do require political will and the determination that violence against women is unacceptable and cannot be allowed to continue. However, underlying the abuses suffered by women is a discrimination perpetuated by society as a whole. In this regard, everyone has a role to play ?government, political parties, religious groups, all elements of civil society and individuals. Everyone has a responsibility to commit themselves to the equality of all human beings, irrespective of gender. The recommendations include: The government should clearly and publicly condemn all acts of violence against women. It should develop policies and disseminate materials to promote womens safety in the home and community and in detention. The government should prohibit all acts of violence against women and establish legal protection. It should review existing laws, including the Zina law and the qisas and diyat law. Investigate all allegations of violence against women and prosecute and punish those found to be responsible. For a copy of the report please visit Report:

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Creative Story: The Ride :: essays research papers

Creative Story: The Ride It was a beautiful day and definitely not forewarning of the events that would change my life. The warm Las Vegas sun was shining brightly in the blue and cloudless sky. A light breeze cooled the warm air just enough to stop the body from sweating. The breeze was clean and crisp that blew along with the scent of a spring day. The only noise was the roar of the engine as I twisted the throttle and accelerated through the twisted roads near my home. As everything raced by me, I felt a rush of adrenaline, then the fateful turn approached. I had taken the turn a hundred times before but today it would change my life. Around the turn would be my motorcycle accident that would cause me to take life much more seriously. Before the accident my lifestyle was very fast paced. I spent almost all of my time with my friends going out to parties every night. My life was in control without any abusive habits, it was just fast paced and fun times with friends. Never being at home added to an already stressful family environment. My high school education suffered from too much fun and too little studying. My father made being at home a very uneasy feeling, making me want to stay away even more. He never took any time to help me with school, car or money. I always had to work to earn everything, the only thing I wasn't paying for was rent. In turn I wanted little to do with my father, stepmother or brother, never contributing or helping out. I even stopped going with them on vacations. The feelings I had were that I just wanted to be alone by myself, independent. For four months after the accident I was unable to do anything that I had previously done in the normal routine of my life. With a full leg and hand cast I spent almost all my time during the four months recovering on the couch in the living room. I finished my junior year of high school at my bedroom desk. During this period I developed a lot of patience from the slow healing process of my bones. I also spent a great deal of time thinking, assessing, and contemplating my life and my future. Some of my thoughts were "What was I doing with my life?", "Where was I headed?", "What was in my future for myself?", "What did I want to do with my life?", "How my family life was affecting me?

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Womens Liberation in the 1920s: Myth or Reality? Essays -- Essays Pa

Women's Liberation in the 1920's: Myth or Reality? The decade following World War I proved to be the most explosive decade of the century. America emerged as a world power, the 19th amendment was ratified, and the expansion of capitalism welcomed the emergence of consumerism. The consumer era was established, which generated new spending opportunities for most Americans in the 1920’s. From the latest fashions to the world of politics, ideologies collided to construct a society based on contradicting principles. These powerful ideologies infected men and women of all classes with an inescapable desire for material possessions; however this ideological tug-of war affected women the most. Although legally declared citizens, society’s assumption of motherhood and domesticity, being the only professions for women, still remained supreme in the country that supposedly promoted equal opportunity. New sex role stereotypes appeared throughout society and women became identified with the consumer culture for they were "major purchasers of products" and "constituted a crucial underpinning of the economy" (Dumenil 144). No group was more responsive to this than the advertising industry, which introduced new images while reinforcing traditional stereotypes. As speculation on women’s rights grew tiresome after suffrage had been won, women separated in search of their own individuality; however a woman’s identity was based on the sex-role stereotypes advertisements continuously portrayed which in turn transformed cultural expectations and thwarted women’s autonomy. The emergence of consumerism allowed advertisements to be viewed worldwide. "Across the nation, women in cities, towns and farms paged through issues of mass-circulation... ...ture and Society in the 1920’s. New York: Hill and Wang, 1995. Fitzgerald, F. Scott. "Echoes of the Jazz Age" Flappers and Philosophers. New York: 1921 Harriman, Helga H. Women in the Western Heritage. Sluice Dock, Guilford, CT. Danshkin Publishing Group, Inc. 1995 Kroger, Jane. Identity in Adolescence: The Balance Between Self and Other. London: Routledge, 1989 Scanlon, Jennifer. Inarticulate Longings: The Ladies’ Home Journal, Gender, and the Promises of Consumer Culture. New York, NY: Routledge, 1995 Sivulka, Juliann. Soap, Sex, and Advertising. Belmont, California: Wasworth Publishing Company, 1998 Stearns, Peter N. and Jean Lewis eds. An Emotional History of the United States. New York, NY. New York University Press, 1998 Stevenson, Elizabeth. Babbits and Bohemians: From the Great War to the Great Depression. New York: Macmillan, 1967.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Social environment

This is an example of a business changing to meet the needs of customers. Subways are trying to be more socially responsible by stunning their animals first, to appease consumers with strong moral objections. This Is Important because a study by Forbes showed that 65% of workers would seriously consider leaving their Jobs if they worked for a company that harmed the environment. Research has shown that over 88% of consumers think companies should try to achieve their business goals while Improving society and the environment.So therefore Subways diverse workforce may provide ideas that a more homogeneous workforce could miss. Also, they might eve a greater understanding of markets that may be segmented on these factors. They may also provide more natural links to market opportunities abroad, through linguistic skills, cultural knowledge and knowledge of foreign markets. This can explain why Subway operates in 83 countries, with a rapid rise in sales in Germany, its second most valuab le Western European market.Income Income can affect business. A company's products usually appeal to certain income groups. People with lower incomes are more sensitive to price and may prefer purchasing discount products. Permeates are experiencing a change In market share because of the increase of people with lower incomes and less disposable income who are sensitive to price (elasticity of demand) and a shift in tastes and trends, with cheap foods becoming Increasingly In demand.This means that the demand for discount food stores Is Increasing. Tests; an example of a food store that is experiencing a decrease in market share because people cannot afford Tests foods and prefer bargain stores like Lid. Deco's market share over the last 12 weeks (from outhouse) compared to a year ago Is down from 29. 6% to 28. %. Tests have responded to the threat with ‘hard discounters' by launching a poorly war on milk and other essentials. Tests has cut the price of pant milk to El to matc h budget chains.People are more aware of the importance of the environment and becoming ‘green consumers'; prefer environmentally-friendly goods which have less Impact on the environment e. G. Prefer to travel by bus. Cutbacks; expanding their recycling programmer to reduce waste developing more environmentally-friendly cups, evaluating store design and operations to identify ways to reduce the amount of water used, use responsible alluding materials and energy efficient designs for their stores The changing nature of the ethical environment Moral principles that should underpin decision making.Ethical behavior involves actions and decisions that are seen to be morally correct Ethics are the set of moral values held by an individual or group. An organization may make decision that it believes to be morally right, rather than one that suits the needs of some of its stakeholders. Thus a decision made on ethical grounds might reject the most profitable solution for an organizatio n in favor of one of greater infinite to society.Possible ethical stances Organizations may take different stances in relation to ethics, including: Viewing shareholders' or owners' short term interests as their only responsibility Recognizing that well managed relationships with other stakeholders bring long term benefits to shareholders or owners Including the interested and expectations of stakeholders in their mission Taking an ideological approach and placing financial considerations secondary Ethical Codes An instruction from an organization to its employees to indicate how they should exact to situations relating to moral values The focus of the code will depend on the business concerned. A typical code may include sections on Personal integrity in dealing with suppliers and in handling the firm's resources Corporate integrity such as forbidding collusion with competitors and predatory pricing Social responsibility Critics believe there is nothing more than public relations e xercises Ethical Investment Stock market investment based on a restricted list of firms that are ethically sound Ethical investors do not invest in firms thatFinance weapons deals to oppressive governments Make products involving tobacco, fur, animal testing and exploitative farming Do not act responsibly towards the environment or are not good employers Advantages/Disadvantages with Ethical Behavior Reviewing a firms ethical position A number of elements should be considered when reviewing a company's ethical position. Individuals Each person has their own set of personal standards derived from their upbringing, educations and background. As they make decisions, their own ideas of what is right and wrong is involved Corporate culture Set of unwritten rules that affect the attitudes and management style of a business. This can affect how employees behave in order to do well at the business Public standards Operate in an environment that affect everything they do and the results they achieve. A public outcry against a particular type of activity will force a business to look at itself and decide if it needs to change.It may also mean other businesses look at themselves as well Competitors A USPS can be built based on emphasizing their ethical stance. Other businesses may then review their operations Ethics, Business Culture and Delegation Organizations have cultures and codes of behavior that affect attitudes, decision making and management style. If there is conflict between the ethical position of the organization and the moral values of the individuals it employs, then delegated decision making may not reflect the ethical position of the organization. The potential of this problem can be minimized if the culture is one which all employees understand and take responsibility for.Changing business cultures is not easy and investment in effective training and communication is important to ensure that all Taft behave in an agreed ethical manner. Creating an ethic al culture within a business can actually improve motivation and can become part of a wider policy of employee empowerment. The duties of an organization towards employees, customers, society and the environment Benefits to Society Problems such as unemployment and pollution are likely to be reduced Quality of life is likely to be improved Society longer term needs are likely to be considered rather than simply the short term needs of a business Life and business activity will be easier if everyone involved s working together for the common good Simply the right thing to do.Firms have a duty to be concerned with the wider impact of their activities Benefits to Firms Improved financial performance Reduced operating costs due to greater recycling Enhanced brand image and reputation which could bring in more customers, trading partners and makes it easier to attract capital investment Increased sales and customer loyalty Increased ability to attract and retain employees Access to capit al Arguments against CARS Efficient use or resources is likely to be reduced if business are restricted by how hey can produce and where they can locate which could lead to higher costs and prices Socially responsible policies can be costly to introduce Stakeholders tend to have differing objectives and are therefore unlikely to agree on what is socially responsible behavior Social responsibility may be Just a passing fashion and nobody can be sure of the value of firms being socially responsible During a recession the objectives are profit and survival – social responsibility doesn't matter here If something is important to society at large it can be argued that the overspent should pass laws to ensure everybody acts responsibly Just an extension of a firm being market orientated, meaning its only done as the customer wants it Overall, in the long term, CARS could benefit businesses, as the local community may improve in terms of wealth, quality of life and standard of livin g, meaning the firm could also benefit. Most large firms will produce an ethical code of practice. This will uphold the firms social responsibilities. This might include being environmentally-friendly wherever possible. Cutbacks CARS; giving back to the environment Environmental mission statement;Understanding environmental issues and sharing these with staff Striving to buy, sell and use environmentally-friendly products Recognize that fiscal responsibility is essential to our environment future Installing environmental responsibility at a corporate value Example; serve high quality coffee that is ethically traded and responsibly grown. They do this through forest conservation efforts and farmer Why be ethical Marketing opportunities: A good reputation in relation to environmental issues can act as a positive marketing tool that encourages customers to choose one brand over another. They can also build a loyal customer base through USPS. Financial opportunities: Can actually make i t easier to get money off certain banks – banks like Cooperative will not lend money to firms with a reputation for damaging the environment. Lower costs through recycling and less waste.Human resources opportunities: Motivation, attract the best workers who want to work for a company with high standards. Poor reputation can damage reputation and the ability to attract high quality applicants Why not be ethical; More expensive to source raw materials, more expensive capital goods to cut pollution, Training workers to be ethical costs money, losing custom from more ruthless competitors Ethics or Public Relations? Public Relations – Activities to boost the public profiles of an organization Public relations usually involves obtaining favorable publicity via the press, television or radio. Unlike advertising, it is not paid for and there is no control over its content.When a business behaves ethically it may be good for PR. It has been suggested that the good PR is the ma in reason for ethical behavior – it can help enhance the image of a business and is likely to generate more goodwill. This in turn will lead to improved sales and may eventually boost the company's share value. Example; Foxing (public relations)(benefits of not being ethical) Criticized for polluting nearby rivers with factory chemicals, black-green water dumped twice a day. Foxing said it is complying with emission standards and bring the factories into full compliance with policies and that other companies within the same industrial park are dumping water into the rivers too.This shows they are stating that their complying with emission standards for public relations because really they onto want to lose their competitive advantage from more ruthless competitors; doing it to save costs, generate profitability quick, keep costs low, keep up with demand etc†¦ More evidence that they care more about public relations is that they installed solving underlying problem of sui cide so the social responsibility doesn't reflect genuine values, don't care about their staff, only care about deadlines and money. Example Primary: (genuine values) The roof of their factory in Bangladesh collapsed, killing more than 1000 people.Long-term compensation and support services for the errors and families who were working in the factory payments end this month ($mm) = High cash outflows so less revenue. They also had building surveys to assess the structural integrity of factories which means they are addressing the underlying problem. However this may not actually affect Primary, this may be cheaper in the long term than paying their staff higher wages; a significant variable cost. This shows that corporate social responsibility is Just a form of public relations and a way to back their reputation and offer a method to ‘shut them up'. Could be because of public relations?

Monday, September 16, 2019

Horizon Foods Corporation Essay

1. What are the characteristics of the market served by the Horizon Foods Corporation? Poor Delivery, high cost of shipping crate, small quantity, high stocks, and high competition. Horizon’s product lines have focused on ethnic food specialties including salad dressings, sauces for Italian pasta, and condiments such as specialty pickles. Is a national company that provides food products. Customers in this market are in many places, diï ¬â‚¬erent points; they prepare meals for small retailers who are demanding customized products, customers’ demands small quantities. 2. What problems exist at the Horizon Foods Corporation? Horizon have problems with the distribution of products, the amount of inventory control problems in warehouses, the increasing demands of customers on products, services, the costs of transportation are high, coordinate issues within the company, also they need a better communication. Orders are generally small, amounting to five to six cases per order, or about 150 to 200 pounds at a time. 3. Why do you think the problems exist? Marketing and production departments are not lined. They need information on time. Inventory of products that require a special request of customers, the demands of the customers due to the fact that small amounts of 5-6, shipping crate increase the cost of 150-200 pounds, negotiated warehouse is not enough quality service as provided by other companies, the company’s determination of the amount of inventory in the structuring, planning and transport issues the contract warehouses intricacies of product quantities. The two plants: one in the Central Valley of California at Fresno and the other in Illinois about 60 miles south of Chicago, the transport between are expenses too. 4. What would you suggest the task force recommend in order to gain â€Å"control over this product movement process†? The changes required to gain control over the supply chain, Horizon need a better level of communication system. They need to keep an eye and to implement new systems that would help in these areas: Business administration, accounting systems.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

A Water Filled Radiator for Domestic Heating Essay

As the winter sets in its time for all of us to look for space heaters that causes less inconveniences and inefficiencies compared to the conventional ones. Most of the older ones available in the market is found to consume considerable amount of energy and also result in skyrocketing the energy bills. Further, the noise it generates is another aspect that needs to be eliminated in any type of product model used for space heating. The disturbance its fans would cause to the indoor environment would prevent any peaceful reading activity or undertaking any work that demands a quiet ambiance. The poor material choice on internal moving parts is another problem that might result in improper operation. The clogging of the air intake pipes with rust and dust is a common problem that most of the heater service men are forced to handle frequently. In addition to these, poor thermostats in these units often result in the wide variations in the indoor temperatures causing severe irritations and cannot ensure consistent comfort levels. The equipment if had the flexibility in operation like option to adjust its wattage level would result in higher energy efficiency and lower cost of power. It would also be better if it causes very less inconvenience in its assembly and installation. Some of the equipments in the market had cumbersome process in its assembly which needed any strong support of the installation manual and personnel, which certainly need to be addressed in any of the new models. And ultimately the buyers need to feel the cost effectiveness of the product that can turn out to be the best valued piece for the space-heating requirement. (Mmclynne, 2008) Most of the house doesn’t have uniform thermal environment in the house. The kids space have considerable lower level of temperature causing severe discomfort levels. The installing the water filled radiator heater have found significant advantages over the other type of models available in the market. The major attraction on these units are the total absence on the noise and the awkward operational steps that most of the earlier models had. The opinion from various users were tremendous and all of them unanimously favored the water filled radiator heaters. The positive opinion being given for the Holmes Water Filled Radiator Heaters clearly establishes the merit of these type of models for their efficiency and effectiveness. Most of the operators were amazed on the total elimination of the noise for this type of models as they hardly realized whether the system was working. On the electricity bills too, all the users realized significant reduction in their bills and the heating offered was uniform thus if a parameter like volume heated per unit energy consumed the Holmes model outclassed most of the conventional ones as it ensured uniform heating across the entire room space rather than partial heating observed in the other types. Even the safety aspect the Holmes model has considered in design is enormous. Though the external surface is at a slightly higher temperature even the kids were not hurt when they tried to have a feel their surface when in operation. Most of the buyers have rated it as the most valued product for the money. Specification of the Product The technical specification of the product is as follows (Holmes, n. d. ) Wattage : low to high variability in operation 100 W to 1500 W Working voltage : 120 V AC (60 Hz) Effective control of heat generated using better control of thermostats. Better safety features with automatic cut off and strong carrying case. User friendly fan heater with access control from the top Measures approximately 2. 5 to 3 pounds. Product Design Philosophy The significant difference in the product design statement exist in the water filled radiator based water heaters. The principle heat transfer mechanism is through convection. The radiator type of heaters undertakes the heating of the rooms trough the convective movement of the air for circulating the warm air for the entire volume. Another major advantage in design of this type of system is that it is not required to function on a high power level for heating the entire room space. These types of units consume very low levels of energy as they are able to cycle between the wattages in their effort to make the inner space at the design temperature levels. Besides these, these units also help to eliminate the problems caused from the corrosion of the metal components and the problems caused from the highly combustible nature. As the water is the major liquid in the water heater radiator type room heaters, the problems of corrosion and possibility for combustion can be eliminated. The space heaters are unavoidable gadgets in the cold regions across he world. To give a better thermal environment is necessary to make the indoor stay more comfortable. These heaters vary in size quite differently from the being a small portable heater to large wall or ceiling mounted heaters that are most fixed permanently. The small and portable ones are preferred in the residential units while the permanent ones are preferred in large industrial and commercial centres, though the exceptions always exist. On the different type of fuels being used in them, it could be either electricity, natural gas, biomass or any liquid fuels like furnace oils. They are mostly applied or chosen in some of the situations that necessitate to isolate the part of facility in a central heating system or heating a small unit space in an generally unheated area etc. The efficiency of the system is measured based on the intended use of the system and the expectation of a customer from using it. The illogically using a space heater would result in higher consumption of energy with very low levels of comfort to the occupants. But when done in the most appropriate application these devices can ensure the desired comfort levels and lesser energy costs. Comparison of different type of space heaters -Radiant and Convective The radiant heaters operate on the similar principles of any heat-radiating body. The simplest example is the sun where the sun rays emits large amount of radiation and tries to warms up any body, which receives the radiation. This type of equipments emits the radiation only in some specific direction and the bodies or objects placed in the direction of the emitted source would receive them and helps in the heat gain. The radiating heaters can be operated either on electricity or on any other type of fuel like propene, kerosene or natural gas (MGE, n. d. ). The heating elements in the radiating type heaters are also of different types. The important ones being quartz tubes, carbon tubes , halogen lamps or metal coils. In order to have a uniform spread of heat in different direction, rather than heating up in some specified direction, some of the radiant type heaters use reflectors. Thus these type of heaters are ideal for heating the specific objects than large volumes of spaces and hence is recommended in large open spaces with less openings or hindrances. The bodies that need to be heated must be located in the direction of emission of heat rays . These bodies absorb the temperature when the rays fall them and as the temperature of such bodies increases and they in turn transfer some of the heat to the neighbouring volume of air too. This helps in the complete rise in the temperature of air volume in its surrounding (MGE, n. d. ). It is also recommended to have some percentage of fresh air for mixing up with the inside air in order to avoid the build up of excessive accumulation of pollutants in the enclosed space. If the objective is to receive the heat only for a very short interval of time then the radiant heaters are the ideal choice. The radiant heaters don’t heat up the entire space uniformly and just transfers heat to the occupant and the immediate neighborhood and hence ensure higher efficiency for these type of purpose. The convection heaters operate based on the ability of the hot air to move across the entire space that required to be heated. It depends on the natural movement of the rising hot air. The equipments allow the cold air to move into its compartment and warms it up and then releases into the desired space that need to be at a higher temperature (MGE, n. d. ). Thus it tries to warms up the air directly and the objects would gain heat from the air that is at a higher temperature. Thus they are the most ideal for the small enclosed spaces or rooms that are well insulated and cut off from the surrounding. They are available in different type of designs like the electric heater based radiator and water or oil filled heaters. The water filled radiant heaters are among the high efficient devices in the class of convective heaters. The heating element placed in the bath of water is heated as the unit is turned on it will result in heating the surrounding air. The heated air is allowed to move through the room based on the principles of natural convection. These heaters require fresh supply of air to maintain consistency in its operation (MGE, n. d. ) References Andi, (15 February 2008) , Holmes Water filled heater wars my heart Retrieved from < http://www. > on 16 August 2010 Holmes (n. d. ) , Owners guide, Retreived from < http://www. holmesproducts. com /Manuals/MANUALS/HFH110-UM_43_77278402. PDF. on 16 August 2010 MGE (n. d. ), Business energy advisor, http://www. mge. com/business/saving/BEA/_escrc_0013000000DP22YAAT-2_BEA1_PA_PA_Heating_PA-59. html on 16 August 2010 Mclynne, J. A. (9 January 2008) Proccut review Holmes water filled whole room radiator model , HWH 2605 http://www. associatedcontent. com/article/520241/product_review_holmes_water_filled. html? cat=5 on 16 August 2010

About Employment

Although the attraction for foreign employment is increasing everyday, employment is not safe, secured and managed well. Skilled and trained manpower appropriate to the nature and requirement of foreign demand are not available. So, people are going to foreign countries as unskilled or semi-skilled work force. Because of this, foreign countries are getting on one hand cheap labor and on the other Nepalese working abroad are not getting rights and honorable jobs. This has compelled Nepalese people to sell their labour at a throw away price whereas they have to invest a lot of money. Foreign Employment Act 2064 has clearly made a legal provision for sending Nepalese for foreign employment. But, this act is not correctly implemented. Various foreign employment services are in operation without government permission. Brokers are taking advantage of the simple and innocent people and cheating them badly. It is a pity that even those who have gone through resistered agencies and also having required skill, training and knowledge are not getting good jobs and salary. Not only this, there are many instances when such labour forces have returned prematurely not having required qualifications, ability, skills and knowledge suitable for these jobs offered. This is indeed a big and serious challenge. There is a need of legal, technical and professional training for these people so that they can meet the challenges and can take benefit of the advantages of the opportunities available in the market. Technically trained, skilled and competent people can compete with others and secure right jobs, which fetch them good salary. There is also need of providing them accidental and life insurance to make their life more secured. The demand for Nepalese workers is increasing greatly. The Three Year Interim Plan has provision to have labour contract with those countries where there are a large number of Nepalese working. This indicates that the opportunities for employment are increasing day by day. According to the government reports, more than one billion rupees remittances are earned every year from foreign employment. This has largely contributed to national economy. Many factories and industries are established from such money which helps in generating local employment and revenues. However, continuous fleeing of trained and skilled human power would adversely affect in their own economic development. They should gradually bring down the number of out going labour force. The country’s development is own development. It is a fact that one gets due respect only when his own country is developed. Those Nepalese working in other countries as Bahadur and Kanchhas are giving their sweat and blood for the development of other countries. Whereas it is sad to say that Nepal remains always poor, underdeveloped and backward. For this, they (Nepalese) have to get appropriate training, knowledge, skills and contribute to their own economic development. We should love our own country and foster patriotic feeling among us. On this lies our over all welfare and well being

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Business Mgt Essay

Part I. Assume you have taken over responsibility to play the lead Information Technology (IT) management role in Magnum Enterprises. Your boss, Rachel Heigl, is Magnum’s CIO. The IT management group is comprised of six people who you will be supervising. Ms. Heigl is an enlightened manager, and she believes that if you are to carry out your responsibilities effectively, you need to work with her in defining your IT management role. As a first step, she invites you to write a short statement where you describe what you see to be your role as head of the IT management effort at Magnum. Proper IT Management requires researching and discerning information technology as a company resource guiding both operational and crucial company capabilities. Using information technology to maximize satisfaction of the customer alongside productivity and profitability will ensure that our competiveness with other business stays at a maximum. In turn IT can make business processes more effective and efficient to provide said resources to customers. The lead IT shall ensure performance of the company through managing technology while encompassing priorities of the business into the role. Striving to be a partner with great initiative this business will discover its leader will have accomplished and achieved what they desired. My first role of business would be to establish the parameters and to understand the IT knowledge areas. These are made up of development processes; management challenges information technologies, business applications and foundation concepts. Concepts of the foundation are making sure the role of information systems paired with business and technical concepts are a familiarity with the end user. Familiarity of concepts in entry level information systems bind with a competitive strategy can lead to an overwhelming strategic advantage. Educating Magnum’s team upon the significance of information technology with the three roles that the business world performs in order to combine business management, software, and hardware capabilities. At the Management level, decision making would lead to significant improvements for IT utilization. Business operations see information systems as a huge support to review and collect data from financial operations, managing manufacturing processes that are very sophisticated, tracking company inventory, and productivity. The use of metrics paired with identifying trends to assist the company in making informed decisions faster to provide information about our competitors. IT  is used quite often to provide a strategic support advantage for the company. Automated inventory and ordering systems an assist with the savings costs. With this information we would need to review our mission statement that identifies the company’s functions, provides oversight on the overall goal, a sense of direction, and guides decision making. Investigating and development towards understanding how we generate money and ensuring a customer base for our company. Envisioning the business plan, mission, with current IT structure and the ability to communicate with senior leadership will guide me with necessary tools to assist the Chief Information Officer (CIO). To ensure a strategic IT plan is created in which will be shared and implemented with my team. Planning to have Magnum’s team familiar with data resource management capabilities, hardware, networks, telecommunications, and software within the company is the second area of information systems known as information technologies. In today’s society PDA’s (personal digital assistants; IE. Blackberry’s ETC.) Personal computers and network servers are integral computer hardware and are crucial in our business environment. Being extremely knowledgeable is vital to our team troubleshooting and resolving hardware issues instead of having to call anot her company for maintenance. We have the ability to break down our company’s software into two categories, application software and system software. Both types normally off the consumer shelf as commercial software instead of having an employee on the team write the software codes for these programs. I plan to ensure my teams are extremely familiar with all software programs and have a firm foundation when troubleshooting and resolving technical issues. Additionally, if not already formed, I will institute a configuration control board and implement test scenarios to ensure future hardware and software being purchased will not have compatibility issues. Also a part of information technologies is data resource management. This is essential in sustaining and maintaining our company. We will require a database management system of good quality that is capable of data consolidating into a database in turn can be accessed my several program applications. Within the past fifteen to twenty years networks and telecommunications software have played a vital role. To ensure the expansion and growth for Magnum Enterprises, we will need out network to be consistent, reliable, monetary sufficient. I would prepare the team to  either install or review and change as needed our network management system that assists with traffic management, capacity planning, network monitoring, and security in essence that our system will grow and change with modern day business culture and practices as the company expands. In order to have the most dependable and proven with the cost of it a ring network should be put into place. The next area, development processes, deals with designing, planning, identifying ideas, and implementing information systems to meet potential business opportunities. It is critical that we ensure our business management capabilities alongside our hardware and software are integrated successfully within our company. Basis within t he development process and depending upon the circumstance, there are a couple of processes we want our team to employ as resolving problems com along with our business systems. Those processes are considered or known as the prototyping approach and he systems development life-cycle. The synopsis of prototyping involves quickly developing or constructing test modules of a desired system in which we will engage when we cannot determine or classify the end user requirements. These systems would be used to assist our personnel with the capabilities to design or create an information system that will be intuitive and easy to navigate for consumers. Prototyping involves four steps with the first being investigation and analysis step. This step, requirements grouped and defined. Second, is the analysis and design step in which a model is developed and constructed to meet consumer business requirements. Next, in the design and implementation, this finalizes the model that was tested and begins the initial installation. The last step to this four step process is implementation and maintenance, which would consist of the business system being accepted, used, and maintained. Prototyping advantages are: decrease in the development time, development costs and requires user i nvolvement. This generates higher satisfaction results. I plan to employ this type of approach to small initiatives. The next area is business application for information systems. This will consist of being familiar with commerce and business applications for our employees and which are used within the company to make strategic leadership and management decisions. A few of the most used business applications within a majority of companies are accounting, human resource management, enterprise resource planning, supply chain management, customer relationship management, financial management,  and supply chain management. An Architectural picture of or IT business applications will ensure that I will have familiarity with all applications that we use. This approach will identify the current interrelationships, interfaces with customer, employees, business applications, and stake holders. We will then need to review the chart and see if there are any potential process improvements that we can make to integrate those systems cross functionally and keep operational costs to a minimum. The systems devel opment lifecycle employs the systems approach to create IT solutions. This lifecycle is often utilized for large applications and it is composed of five processes that I expect my team to know and become familiar when employing the systems development lifecycle: systems investigation, systems analysis, systems design, systems implementation and systems maintenance. The first process, systems investigation, involves project brainstorming, planning and performing a feasibility study. During the brainstorming and planning initiative, a project management implementation plan is created identifying the detailed steps that will be accomplished during the creation and development of the system. The feasibility study is critically important as this outlines all requirements for the system. It also explores four major areas, organizational, economic, technical, and operational feasibility, which determines if it’s worthwhile to invest in potential business ventures. In reviewing the organization’s feasibility, we need to determine if the system is in line with and supports our company’s strategic objectives. The economic feasibility identifies and evaluates the project’s tangible and intangible cost and benefits. Technical feasibility is assessed by confirming if the necessary hardware and software will be available or can be developed and tested before implementation. Operational feasibility is determined by the motivation, desire, willingness, and competence of the stakeholders (management, employees, customers and suppliers) to use and operate the proposed system. Systems Analysis consists of consolidating requirements and includes a detailed breakdown of the business needs and requirements of the organization. This starts with an organizational analysis from one of the business end users. This individual must be keenly aware of the organizational management structure, business requirements, and current IT systems operati ons and its proposed relationship with the newly created system. Some of the outputs generated from the systems analysis  include system flowcharts, data flow diagrams, and connectivity diagrams which aid in the development of the analysis report The next process, systems design, focuses on the design, process diagrams, business rules, and developing specifications for the hardware, software, data resources that will meet the proposed requirements for new business system. The three major outputs produced from the systems design phase are user data, interface, and process design. The fourth process of the systems development lifecycle is system implementation. This encompasses either acquiring the hardware or software or developing it from company resources and then testing the products in a test environment to see how well they operate and integrate with your existing IT architecture. If testing goes well, an implementation plan including training end users and developing system documentation will be accomplished prior to incorporating and execu ting this system within our IT architecture. The final process, systems maintenance consists of consistently monitoring and evaluating the newly implemented system. This also includes correcting errors and discrepancies not identified during the testing phase and continuously making system improvements, advancements and upgrades. The final area of information systems is management challenges. There are numerous challenges that our IT team may be faced with at Magnum Enterprises. One challenge is addressing our security concerns which involve several areas. For instance, our IT team needs be constantly vigilant and on the alert for potential competitors trying to or actually hacking into our systems to steal or damage our data. Additionally, we may also be challenged with setting up restrictions and locking down the network for personnel to only use the network and its software applications for official business. Ensuring that our software is controlled and that employees are not illegally making copies of software for personal use is another area of concern. Preventing virus attacks to our network and installing anti-virus software to diagnose and remove computer viruses is of utmost concern. Failure to maintain a secure network can potentially halt our business from being productive and resulting in thousands of dollars in lost revenue. Additional challenges the IT team may be faced with may involve expanding our infrastructure and network to address our growing business. Ensuring our network provides our employees accessibility to the data they need, wherever they require it, regardless of their location will test our innovativeness.  The company may not have a backup plan to allow it to operate effectively and efficiently in the event of a forced relocation. If that is the case, I will recommend to our management staff that we establish a continuity of operations plan enabling us to relocate with minimum impact to our business operations like a hot site for temporary functionality. In the dynamic world of IT we will always be faced with challenges, however, utilizing IT and being on the leading edge of new IT systems provides our business with many benefits and makes our organization more effective and efficient. For example, IT can be used to improve and promote new business processes such as creating an automated inventory system which will save money in additional labor costs. Another use of IT in making it more efficient and effective is that using certain software programs enables us to identify and target our top customers in terms of profitability to our business. In summary, IT enables our company to successfully plan, integrate, manage, and carry out strategies which lead to profit. Part II. Six months after you take over the lead IT management role at Magnum, the CIO, Ms. Rachel Heigl, is pleased with your work. She has just attended a meeting of Magnum’s executive committee (the committee comprised of the most senior managers of Magnum), where the CEO and Vice President of marketing have indicated that Magnum’s mediocre e-business capabilities must be strengthened. As CIO, Ms. Heigl is given primary responsibility in improving Magnum’s e-business performance. She in turn puts you in charge of a small task force comprised of representatives from the marketing, operations, finance, and legal departments. In order to advance and improve Magnum’s e-business performance operations, it’s vital I establish a cohesive team with representatives from the marketing, operations, finance, and legal departments. Their input and perspective is necessary and essential in developing a way ahead and strategic plan for the future of our e-busin ess department. Developing success with our e-business begins with marketing the company. Marketing is concerned with developing and creating an innovative plan so that the product or service can be promoted and sold. Promoting our products and services are key and critical in attracting new customers as well as maintaining our current customer base. It is important that I develop an understanding of the marketing role and how it can benefit  by using Information Technology systems. Marketing information systems support well established and e-commerce processes that sustain major elements within the marketing function and is described as a continuing and interacting structure of people, equipment and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute pertinent, timely and accurate information for use by marketing decision makers to improve their marketing planning, implementation, and control. The major components of marketing information systems include interactive marketing, sales force automation, customer relationship management, sales management, product management, targeted marketing, and market research. Two of the seven components I will be discussing are interactive marketing and customer relationship management. In our environment today, marketing information systems aid marketing personnel in a variety of tasks associated with branding products and customer service initiatives. For instance, interactive marketing is largely dependent on utilizing the internet, which permits the business and its customers and potential customers to become partners in developing, socializing, acquiring and advancing products and services. With the IT department enabling this type of communication, the company benefits from generating new ideas for other products and services as well as establishing strong customer loyalty. Another area within the marketing information systems is C ustomer Relationship Management (CRM). This incorporates and automates many customer service processes. It consists of utilizing an IT framework to construct, automate, and integrate marketing processes with the company’s business operations. CRM is usually comprised of a software suite that allows a business to provide efficient, effective and reliable service to its customers. Additionally, CRM permits a company to identify and target their most important customers as well as facilitate real-time customization of products and services based on the customer’s wants and desires. Understanding the marketing department’s views and concerns enables the IT department to implement and install an IT infrastructure that will be capable of supporting various information technologies. Some of the benefits that can be obtained from the marketing department are: an opportunity to increase sales and revenue, a chance to touch new market areas, 24/7 accessibility for the customer, and more flexibility and convenie nce for the customers. The production and operations function is supported by  manufacturing information systems. Manufacturing information systems are designed to be used specifically in an operations and production environment. Different types of manufacturing information systems consist of computer integrated manufacturing (CIM), process control, machine control and robotics. CIM involves using computers to control the total manufacturing process, from design to distribution, to produce produces products of the highest caliber. Process control involves utilizing computers to oversee and control continuing physical processes. Machine control consists of using a computer based system to direct the actions of a machine. Robotics involves designing, constructing, and building machines that have the intelligence of a computer and human like physical capabilities. It’s key I understand how the operations representative depends on these information systems to operate effectively as well as their expec tations for these systems. Working together as a team will enable the IT and operations department to develop better ideas to increase the manufacturing and production process. Developing an understanding of all the accounting and financial based systems within our business and discussing these systems with the finance representative enables our IT and finance departments to plan effectively when troubleshooting and performing upgrades. These systems include but are not limited to order processing, inventory control, accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, general ledger, cash management, investment management, capital budgeting and financial planning. The success of these systems is integrally connected with its information technology and services. For example, the order processing system â€Å"captures and processes customer orders and produces data needed for sales analysis and inventory control and the accounts payable system keeps track of data concerning purchases from and payments to suppliers. Communicating with the finance representative is essential in setting up or modifying these systems to meet the needs of our business. Any interrupti on or degradation in service can lead to severe damage to the business and financial services that Magnum Enterprises relies on to function and operate. As with any business, competitors are always looking for an advantage to get them ahead in their particular discipline or industry. Unfortunately, being extremely aggressive and ambitious can sometimes cloud your decision making capabilities to the point that you may  be committing breaking privacy laws and monitoring and copyright violations. As the IT lead manager for Magnum Enterprises, I’m charged with ensuring our network infrastructure and IT systems are operating proficiently. However, when it comes to addressing privacy issues from an IT perspective, opinions and viewpoints from a legal expert are necessary. In regards to privacy, several websites accumulate usernames and passwords and personal information such as home addresses and phone numbers without authorization from users. Applying internet monitoring technology within the workplace raises concerns about where the boundaries lie between personal use and public resource use. Copyright concerns and violations has become an issue with the development of the Internet and upgrades to technology. Discussing these concerns with a legal expert and implementing and adhering to strict guidelines will help prevent our company from committing these violations. In addition to the goals of strengthening the capabilities of the e-business, attention must be paid to some key technical challenges. Overseeing secure information throughout our business is extremely difficult to implement and maintain successfully. Key technical issues that may be encountered when re-engineering our e-business include privacy and confidentiality, authenticity, data integrity, access control, availability and infrastructure. Privacy and confidentiality involves businesses protecting and securing personal information while being stored or t ransmitted through email. This can be accomplished by utilizing encryption devices or firewalls. Authentication is used to confirm an individual’s identity and during e-business transactions, the purchaser and buyer wants assurance that proper identity is established. A secure way to assist with confirming identity to both individuals is to utilize a virtual private network. Data integrity means the data is correct and has not been altered while being stored or transmitted. The use of firewalls assists in preventing unauthorized users and safeguarding data. Another way to ensure data integrity is through the use of antivirus software which also aids in keeping your data free from viruses. Access control exists when you’re authorizing certain individual’s permission to restricted systems or data. Several measures that can help with access control include firewalls, access privileges, passwords, digital certificates and virtual private networks. Availability is an issue when customers and employers need information  without any disruptions. Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) systems, data backups and the use of anti-virus software assist with ensuring data is always available. Our e-business infrastructure constantly needs to be monitored to ensure its meeting the needs of our business. An infrastructure that is unable to consistently support the network traffic load can potentially cost our company thousands of dollars in lost sales. If the network is continually slow, increasing the speed of the network backbone will assist in providing faster and reliable support for our customers. In addition to increasing the speed of the network backbone, implementing cross-functional enterprise systems will assist in improving critical business processes throughout Magnum enterprises. A final technical challenge is ensuring all of our systems are compatible and can operate on several different hardware platforms. By having this capabi lity, our operating costs from a technical refresh perspective will decrease. While strengthening capabilities and addressing technical issues, there are management challenges within the e-business that must be addressed. As discussed earlier, our team must be vigilant in addressing security challenges such as hacking into our systems, software theft, and protecting our software applications. In addition to security issues, there are ethical concerns that must be addressed. Privacy has always been a serious and contentious issue amongst employers and employees. For instance, computer monitoring is considered by many personnel to be an infringement on the employee’s privacy and shouldn’t be allowed. However, employers argue that since the computer is a company owned resource, they should be allowed to monitor the work of their employer. In reality, many employers are concerned as to whether or not the employee is actually working and producing or just goofing off and surfing the internet. Utilizing IT equipment at work has been mentioned to cause a variety of health issues which management must address. For example, if your job consists of being in front of a computer all day, some of the health problems you may experience damage to the neck and arm muscles, eye strain, carpal tunnel syndrome, job stress, poor posture and poor circulation. Resolutions to some of these health concerns can be through the science of ergonomics. The objective of ergonomics is to devise and create safe health work conditions with the goal of decreasing health issues and increasing employee morale and work productivity. If  Magnum Enterprises has customers internationally, they also may be faced with political, geo-economic and cultural challenges. From a political concern, there are countries that have restrictions regulating or denying the transfer of data across their borders which can potentially result in customers or businesses from having to pay import or export fees. Geo-economic concerns involve issues such as identifying and locating personnel with IT skills to work at remote sites and communicating with personnel across all 24 time zones. Cultural challenges â€Å"include differences in languages, cultural interests, religions, customs, social attitudes, and political philosophies†. For example, if Magnum Enterprises was conducting a business transaction via a Video Teleconference it would be disrespectful to look them in the eye when introducing yourself. Before meeting an international customer, it would prudent to review their customs and courtesies to ensure a smooth business relationship. Improving Magnum’s e-business performance faces several challenges. Consulting with key department personnel from operations, marketing, finance and legal as well as addressing technical and management obstacles will assist me in charting a plan to put our e-business on the right track towards success.